Puppy Poops in Crate...HELP!?

2010-09-27 3:40 pm
I got a puppy and I take him out during the night at 10pm, 12am, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm. I do this and he seems to understand what he's supposed to do. He pees as soon as I take him out-EVERY TIME, but he still has accidents in the crate at night. His stool is very loose and he goes 6-8 times a day. I give him Natural Balance for food to avoid loose stools. Also, I stop feeding or giving water at 7pm. He seems to be pooping at 10pm or 12am and 3am or 5am. How is this possible? He poops a ton at a time. Am I giving him too much food? I feed him about 2 cups for the day...he's a 12lb retriever. Is this brand of food not good? I try the whole getting him to poop 20min to an hour after he eats, but that's not working after the 7pm feeding.

To answer one of the questions. Yes, I did get this puppy from a groomer that says they from local breeders. I started extensive research AFTER bringing the puppy home. This place is accused of selling from puppy mills. :( I didn't know and I feel terrible for supporting that kind of business. Their ad was advertising them as a place where local breeders bring their puppies so they can work with their housetraing. I think I got lied to. I learned my lesson...do the research BEFORE. On a lighter note...he's an awesome dog!


Last thing: I had a stool sample checked...all clear.


Last thing: I had a stool sample checked...all clear.

回答 (9)

2010-09-27 3:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
7 is kinda late.
and yes, i would feed him a lot less.
plus i would have a vet check his stool. (bring sample)
maybe he has worms.
puppies often do.
Depending on how old he is, i would feed him 3 times a day.
his little intestants might be overwhelmed with that much food.
spreading the food out makes it easier on him.
2016-04-13 11:12 am
Yes your puppy is most likely eating poop. Believe it or not it is a natural instinct for a puppy to eat poop. In the wild a mother dog and her puppies would be confined to a small den. When the dogs needed to poop it would make a mess of the den, so, mother nature intervened and made it part of their diet. This does two things. First it keeps the den clean and second it provides a source of nutrients for the pups. Dogs will grow out of eating other dogs do do, but a natural part of a dogs diet is animal do do. Dogs are not hunters, they are scavengers and like most scavengers they eat what they find.
2010-09-27 4:01 pm
You are giving him too much food. You should be careful with Labs/Retrievers, my vet told me that they can actually eat themselves to death (they won't stop eating until the food is gone). Talk to a vet and see what amount they recommend you feed the dog. If he is still pooping a lot after lowering the amount you may need a different food. Lastly make sure you are giving him food for puppies, adult dog food can be hard on a puppies system.
2010-09-27 3:56 pm
How old is the pup? Has he been to a vet lately? He could have a parasite or bacterial infection.
If this isn't the case, try mixing in some plain white rice with his food.
It really sounds like it could be a medical problem since you're taking him out so much.
2010-09-27 3:50 pm
Did you by any chance buy this puppy from a pet store? My reason for asking is that pet store puppies learn to urinate and poop where they sleep because they have had no option either where they were born, e.g. puppy mill or in the pet store cages.

If you do have a pet store dog it will take longer to house train him but you will get there.

You're doing a great job by getting up so many times during the night to take him outside. You're a good dog owner who's doing it right.
2010-09-27 3:48 pm
Might be to much food or the type of food. I just had to switch food for my puppy because it was giving him diarrhea. Dogs should not use there bed as the bathroom, so I am thinking he has no chose his tummy hurts. But at the same time if you are taking him out all the time he should also be pooping outside.
Are you giving him enough time to pee and poop when you take him out? Also make sure until he is potty trained that there is only enough room for him to sleep in his create. It should not be big enough right now for him to sleep in there and have a place to go potty :o) Hope this helps.
2010-09-27 3:50 pm
i have the same problem with my dog. what you need to do is buy something thats like a doggy diaper and help your dog learn that it has to go poo on that after a while your dog will understand and after that take the diaper outside and have your dog go out there soon enough it will now that going outside is right. hope i helped
2010-09-27 3:49 pm
It sounds as if you have over fed him.

Normally they don't do it so often.

Usually puppies don't have good bladder control until they are 5 months old. After sleep, meal and exercise they would have the urge to go to the bathroom. You have to place them at the right place at the right time.
2010-09-27 3:42 pm
You should only feed small puppies about 1/2 cup of food twice a day.

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