是否有一首英文歌叫做「kowloon,Hong Kong」

2010-09-28 1:03 am
We love Hong Kong .

回答 (3)

2010-09-28 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
youtube上嘅Kowloon Hong Kong:


Kowloon Hong Kong
We like Hong Kong
That's the place for you
Walking down the street full of joy
Come here come here richshaw boy
Take me down the street Chop Chop Chop
A Habba Habba Joe Ding How Ding How
Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong
We Like Hong Kong
That's the place for you

Walking down the street full of joy
Come here come here richshaw boy
Take me down the street Chop Chop Chop
A Habba Habba Joe Ding How Ding How
Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong
We Like Hong Kong
That's the place for you

I hear the bells go Ding Dong
Deep down inside my heart
Each time you say kiss me
Then I know it's time for Ding Dong to start
Each time you say hugh me Ding Dong Ding Dong
Each time you say love me Ding Dong Ding Dong
I hope I won't wait to long
To hear my bells go Ding Dong
To hear my bells go Ding Dong

Kung Hei Kung Hei Fat Choy
Lai See Taw Loy
That's the thing to do
Kung Hei Kung Hei Fat Choy
Taw Ling Oom Oi
That's the thing to do

Walking down the street full of joy
Come here come here richshaw boy
Take me down the street Chop Chop Chop
A Habba Habba Joe Ding How Ding How
Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong
We Like Hong Kong
That's the place for you
Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong

以下係樂隊The Reynettes嘅介紹:

Kowloon Hong Kong由夜總會樂團 Reynettes主唱﹐他們是一隊5人的菲律賓樂團﹐中文叫做“夜明珠合唱團”﹐ 父母是菲律賓籍﹐年長的三位在澳門出生﹐故是葡萄牙籍﹐而年幼的兩位在香港出生﹐故屬英籍。Reynettes 分別為大姐 Luzviminda (結他/主音)﹑Baby (鼓) ﹑Rosa (貝斯) ﹑Jeannette (Saxophone) 及 John (口風琴) 。Kowloon Hong Kong 灌錄於1966年﹐是他們的第2張 EP ﹐她們不單在香港的夜總會受歡迎﹐而且也曾到沖繩島﹑大阪﹑東京﹑台灣及菲律賓等地演唱。

據說 Kowloon Hong Kong是由 Reynettes的父親 Rays所作﹐但是這年代的香港資料﹐非常難找﹐不過唱片上卻列名是Reynettes 的作品。歌曲中段混入了 Tsai Chin (周采芹) 原唱的 Ding Dong Song﹐它本是姚敏作曲﹑易文作詞﹑董佩佩主唱的第二春﹐1959年被Lionel Bart 改編為英語版﹐成為英國舞台劇 The World Of Suzie Wong 的主題曲﹐也是一首很代表香港的音樂作品。 雖然歌星潘迪華常以它作為自己的首本名曲﹐而且也經常以它向外宣傳香港的旅遊業﹐但是論到原裝正版﹐還是Reynettes 的版本。
參考: youtube, Muzikland
2017-01-15 4:24 pm
We Love Hong Kong Song
2010-09-28 1:25 am

Kowloon Hong Kong

曲:Alforiso S.Garcia 詞:Alforiso S.Garcia 演唱:潘迪華
[[原唱是 黎爱莲 (Irene Ryder)]]

# Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong

I like hong kong that's the place for you

Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong

I like hong kong that's the place for you #

* walking donw the street full of joy

come here come here rickshaw boy take me down the street

chow chow chow "howbar""howbar"

joe "dinghow""dinghow"

Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong

I like hong kong that's the place for you *

I hear the bells go ding dong deep down

inside my heart each time you say kiss me

then I know it's time to ding dong to start

each time you say hug me ding dong ding dong

each time you say love me ding dong ding dong

I hope I don't wait too long to hear

my bell go ding dong to hearmy bell go ding dong to

hear my bell go ding dong

Repeat * #

Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong

I like hong kong that's the place for you

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