what is osmosis?

2010-09-27 3:54 am
From my book,

" osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules across a differentially permeable mebrane"

Why 要有differentially permeable mebrane 先叫 osmosis??

如果有2隻solution ( 其中一隻係water,) 有不同的concentrations, 咁佢地mix together, 咁higher water potential 會move to lower water potnential.

However, in this process 無 differentially permeable mebrane, 咁E 個仲係唔係osmosis??

回答 (3)

2010-09-29 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
However, in this process 無 differentially permeable mebrane, 咁E 個仲係唔係osmosis??


Why 要有differentially permeable mebrane 先叫 osmosis??

If there is no membrane, it will be diffusion....
2010-09-30 8:55 pm
1for permeable membrane : well, that's the defination.
2of course theyy will. since their conc. r diff. note that the higher conc. , the lower the water potential.
3 no. told u that permeable membrane is the defination, same as why 1+1=2 , that's the defination of sum
參考: myself
2010-09-27 4:32 am
if there is a differentially permeable membrane, other substance in the solution cannot move to the other side

in this case, this is not osmosis since there is absent of differentially permeable membranme
參考: me

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