
2010-09-27 12:38 am
How many mitochondria in these cells?
Explain why these cells have many mitochondria

1) liver cells
2) muscle cells
3) sperm
4) meurones
5) fat cells
6) epithelial cells of air sacs in lung

回答 (2)

2010-09-30 9:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
u should find it from internet, maybe wiki, if u want the exact no. of mito.

well, but i can tell ya 2) 3) will hv the most mito. since they need the most energy
2)--> contraction
3)--> contraction for movement

the others~just normal

ps.: i m not sure abt the 5) but i guest its just normal since it store fat not glycogen/glycose(human does not store glycose--)
參考: myself
2010-10-02 12:53 am
mitochondria is referred to as the 'powerhouse' of the cell. The number of mitochondria in a cell is according to the energy needed by the cell.

1.the liver cells contain many number of mitochondria since the liver is responsible for
many things like blood glucose regulation, bile formation...etc.

2.the muscles cells also contain many number of mitochondria because we move by the
contraction of the muscles cells, and we are moving every second, so large amount of energy is needed.

3.the cell which contain most number of mitochondria is sperm cells whic need energy for "swimming" to reach to the ovum.

I don't know about 4.

5.the number of mitochondria in the fat cells is the least among, its funtion is only to store
the extra fats we have in our body, not much energy is involved.

6.the epithelial cells contain normal number of mitochondria as the energy needed for the
cells is little, diffuse occurs there which requires no energy for that.

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