Eng... gramma(20)

2010-09-26 8:38 pm
Could you help me to solve the following problems? Thank you very much!!!

which is correct?Can you explain a little more about some and any for me?
Do you have anymoney?
Do you have some money?

Is this sentence correct or not?Can you tell me why?
She asked me whether I visited my grandpa or not.

Which sentence is correct ? can you explain for me ?Any difference in the meaning?
Nobody called for your absence.
Nobody called during your absence.

Which sentence is correct ?
I have the same ability of your.
I have the same ability of you.

Which sentence is correct ? can you explain for me ?Any difference in the meaning?
What was her reaction from the new.
What was her reaction to the new.

Is ' I differ you' the same as ' I am different from you '?

What dose ' in that ' mean in the following sentence?Can i use ' because' or ' because of ' to instead ?
The ocean is different from the sea in that the former is much bigger.

Why put ' should ' at the last word of the sentence?I am confused with this kind of sentence , can you explain more and give examples to me?
Can't you boys behave youself as stents should?

What do ' in person ' mean?
' murray' he inquird.
' in person! ' answered the bat.

which sentence is correct?can you explain?
Would you mind stopping interrupting me all the time.
Would you mind not interrupting me all the time.
Would you mind stopping to interrupt me all the time.

which is correct?
find somebody to help
find somebody for help

Thx again !!

回答 (1)

2010-10-02 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do you have any money?
Any is usually used with uncountable noun and plural countable. Money is uncountable.
Any often contrasts with some, which is most common in affirmative clauses.
I need some money.
Have you got any money?
Sorry, I haven’t got any money.

She asked me whether I visited my grandpa.
No need to add “if not”. It is reported speech.

Nobody called during your absence. (This one is correct.)
Call for means to ask for something.

I have the same ability of your. (wrong)
I have the same ability as you. (correct)

What was her reaction to the news. (correct) [news, not new]
Please use the correction preposition. (reaction to)

I am different from you. (correct)
I differ you. (wrong). A preposition is missing. I differ from you.

The ocean is different from the sea because the former is much bigger.
You cannot use because of. A noun, pronoun or noun phrase usually follows “because of”.
I stay at home because of you.
"In that" is used after a statement to begin to explain what way is true.
I have been lucky in that I have never had to worry about money.

Can't you boys behave yourself as students should (do)?
You don’t have to include the word “do”.

If you do something in person, you go somewhere and do it yourself; instead of doing something by letter, asking someone else to do it for you.

Would you mind not interrupting me all the time?
Mind doing something is the correct form.
e.g. Do you mind opening the window?

find somebody for help. (help is a noun)
Find somebody to help her. (help is a verb)

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