Eng ...Gramma (20)

2010-09-26 8:27 pm
Could you help me to solve the following problems? Thank you very much!!!

Which sentence is correct ? can you explain for me ?
It is worth doing so.
It is worth to do so.

can i use 'a' long hair, which sentence is correct?
e.g. I have got a long hair.
e.g. I have got long hair.

Which sentence is correct ? can you explain for me ?
She is a friend of mine.
She is a friend of me.
She is a friend of her.
She is a friend of hers.
She is a friend of him.
She is a friend of he.

Can we add 's' behind 'something' ? Can you explain why and give some example?

How can I change the sentence ' I was born in china in 1994' in to Wh question? (where)(when)

Which sentence is correct ? can you explain for me ?
Please wait for a moment.
Please wait a moment.

Which sentence is correct ? can you explain for me ?Any difference in the meaing?
She told him to lock the door.
She asked him to lock the door.

Which is correct ? any difference in the meaning?
sent my regard
give my regard

Which sentence is correct ? can you explain for me ?Any difference in the meaning? Why no 'a' before the ' manager ' ?
He went on to be manager of the company.
He want on to become manager of the company.

What do ' for years ' mean when it is put in the begining of the passage?

Why 'surveyed' but not ' survey' ? can you explain for me ?
Among the surveyed.

Any difference in the meaning?

Which sentence is correct ? can you explain for me ?Can you give some examples to me?
go in bed
go to bed
go into bed

Which form should i use?can you explain why ?
I_____(eat) food before going to school.
I_____(eat) food after school.

Why not ' outrun ' but ' outran ' ?
You have outran me,Jess.

Thx again !!

回答 (2)

2010-10-05 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is worth doing so. (correct)
It is worth to do so. (wrong)
The format is: worth doing something.

I have got a long hair.
(You hold a hair, 一條長頭髮 )
I have got long hair. (The hair on your head is long.)

She is a friend of (mine, his, hers). (correct)
She is a friend of (me, her, him, he) (wrong)
Use possessive pronoun

You cannot add 's' behind 'something' ."something" is a pronoun.

How can I change the sentence ' I was born in china in 1994' in to Wh question? (where)(when)
I really don’t understand. Well, I try anyway. 
Were you born in China in 1994? Where and when were you born?

Please wait for a moment. (wrong)
Please wait a moment. (correct)
Wait for someone/something.

She told him to lock the door. (correct) She was his superior. It is an order.
She asked him to lock the door. (correct) She asked him politely, perhaps he is a friend or her boss.

Sent/give my regard (wrong)
send/give my regards. (correct)

He went on (to be, to become) manager of the company.
 No need to add “a”. because of the definite article, “the”)
Look at this example: He wants to become a manager one day.

' for years ' means for a long period of time.

Among the surveyed = Among those who have been surveyed.

Self-esteem = the feeling of being satisfied with one’s abilities, and that you deserved to be liked or respected. Self-esteem means simply thinking highly of oneself. 
Self-respect = feeling of being happy about your character, abilities, and beliefs. Self-respect is a mindset that allows us to become grateful, humble and well adjusted.

go in bed. (We rarely say go in bed. Stay in bed, am/is/are in bed).
in bed with someone = to have sex with someone.
Go to bed = going to get into a bed and get ready to sleep.
At what time do you go to bed?
I usually read for a bit before I get into bed.

I eat (eat) some food before going to school.
I_eat (eat) some food after school.
Don’t understand the question. 

You have outrun me, Jess. (Outrun is the past  participle.) 
2010-09-28 8:59 pm
Which sentence is correct ? It is worth doing so./It is worth to do so.
It is worth doing so. [ correct ]
Worth : 值得(做...) + [noun/gerund]
That novel is worth reading. 那部小說值得一讀。
The exhibition is worth a visit. 這展覽值得一看。

2010-09-28 13:00:14 補充:
which sentence is correct? I have got a long hair./ I have got long hair
I have got long hair. [ correct ]
Hair : 頭髮[Uncountable][Countable]
I have got long hair. [uncountable]
I occasionally drop hairs. 我偶爾會掉頭髮。[countable]
A hair :些微, 一點兒[S]
The ball missed his head by a hair. 球差一點擊中他的頭。

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