
2010-09-26 7:35 pm
金屬之中,導電和傳熱是否一定成正比?即最好的導電金屬就一定是傳熱最快?銅,銀,鋁三種金屬, 那種傳熱最快?那種導電電阻最低?

回答 (2)

2010-10-06 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
i need to pk with 001



if ur question 3,銅傳熱最快,鋁電阻最低
2010-09-26 9:02 pm
Yes, at a given temperature, the thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of metals are proportional. This is given by the Wiedemann-Franz Law. Refer to the following web-page for detailed explanation of the law:


The reason is simple. Free electrons are responsible for conducting heat or electricity. Since metals have an abundance of free electrons, this is why metals are both good thermal conductors and electrical conductors as compared with non-metals.

Among the three metals you named, silver has the best thermal and electrical conductivity. This is followed by copper. Aluminium is not as good as copper.

You could find the respective thermal and eelcctrical conductivity values on the following two web-pages:

Thermal conductivity:


Electrical conductivity:


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