(ECON)Joint supply

2010-09-26 4:36 am
notes寫Joint supply:

Two goods are joint supply if one of them is a by-product of the other.
An increase in price of Good X results in an increase in supply of Good Y.
Good X and Y are in joint supply.

Example:wool and mutton
If the price of mutton increases,suppliers are more willing to produce mutton and hence its quantity supplied increases.
In this case,more sheep have been killed and the suppliers will also increase the quantity supplied of wool at each level of price.

Therefore,the supply curve of wool shift to the right,the equilibrium price decreases and the quantity transacted increases.

既然An increase in price of Good X results in an increase in supply of Good Y.


why wool需求多咗, 價錢就一定平咗-.- I am a supplier,If wool需求多咗,why I can't enchance the price of wool to get more money -________-?


wai ting ,請問係咪因為依家mutton需求多左so我作為一個supplier自然想supply more mutton to earn more money,但係依家要supply多Dmutton自然 need to kill more sheep.So I will get more wool from the sheep,so 我自然supply多左wool, 但係在市面個需求並沒增加到所以我降低$來賣過多既出去? 假如您有time可唔可以幫我答埋另外我問既2條ECON問題ar-____________-? plx

回答 (2)

2010-09-27 9:26 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. "咁點解mutton貴左供應多左,佢個副產品wool唔係一樣貴左供應多左而係愈便宜供應愈多? "

ANS: 首先我想問你點解mutton貴左供應多左, wool 就會貴左?

件事的意思係D人突然好鬼love食mutton, 所以需求上升. 需求上升價格就便宜了. Quantity transacted increases 因為市面多左人宰羊。

咁好左羊俾人宰wool 供應自然上升, 咁個價格就會下降

你要明白我鍾意食羊肉唔關wool 貴事, 冇人話wool 貴左, 由此至終得一件事發生:
D人突然好鬼love食mutton ( Demand increases)

2. why wool需求多咗, 價錢就一定平咗-.- I am a supplier,If wool需求多咗,why I can't enchance the price of wool to get more money -________-?

ANS: 睇清楚小朋友 -_____________- 係供應多左不是需求多左

2010-09-28 10:54:57 補充:
你用詞要比較小心因為mutton需求多左, quantity supplied 會多左因為價格高左,但係supply冇多到, 你可以想D人鍾意食羊肉本來一斤$8, 現在願意一斤$10
你就向供應商找多一點羊肉想earn the difference
但係如果D人俾番$8, 你又會供應原來的數目
這是同一條supply curve 上的移動, 故是quantity supplied change
Quantity supplied (or quantity demanded) change is the result of price

2010-09-28 10:55:21 補充:
On the other hand, supply change is due to non-price reason.
For example, technology advancement causes it easier to breed sheep
At the price of $8 , the seller now is willing to increase the quantity
therefore the supply curve shift upward.
如果你由$8畫一條橫線, 會見到qunatity supplied increases

2010-09-28 10:55:33 補充:
Supply (or demand) change is due to non-price reason

(但係在市面個wool需求並沒增加到所以我降低$來賣過多既出去 )
因為Quantity transacted 多左(宰多左羊)
you are willing to sell more at the same price of wool ( you have more wool on hand )
So it is supply increases.

2010-09-28 10:58:05 補充:
(sorry made some typo mistake

2010-09-28 10:55:18 補充 it should be:

At the price of $8 , the seller now is willing to increase the quantity
therefore the supply curve shift downward/ to the right).
參考: 本人 , Econ A , proficient in D & S
2010-09-26 7:06 am
An increase in the price of mutton casued a movement along the supply curve.
Therefore, both price and quantity supplied is increased.

An increase in supply of wool however is a shift in the supply curve, therefore, price is decreased and quantity supplied is increased.

You confused about a shift in the curve and a movement along the curve. Make sure you know when the curve is shifted and when it is a movement along the curve only.

d 野可以賣貴 d, 一定入多d貨啦...

d 野需求多咗, 價錢就一定平咗..

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