how do i get a dead animal smell of my small dog?

2010-09-24 2:40 pm
my dog, Sparkie, got out of the yard this morning. he came back with a horrible smell. we are thinking it's a dead animal, and we can't let him in until it's gone! he's a silky terrier so it has to condition his fur as well :) thanks, madison

回答 (8)

2010-09-24 2:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Whatever product you don't end up using... stay away from human shampoo and conditioner... it's not good for dogs because their ph is different and can get messed up.
2016-10-05 12:20 pm
dogs are, with the aid of nature, hunters. think of approximately all wild dogs variety animals. they'd desire to hunt and kill their nutrition. i don't be attentive to if Chihuahuas, Yorkies, Pomeranians could ever truthfully hunt yet dogs that are in basic terms slightly greater will. The miniature Schnauzer and miniature Dachshund will hunt and kill.
2010-09-24 2:58 pm
Bath, bath, bath, bath.....

And use warm water.
參考: My dog rolled on something dead and I had to bath her 3 times with 4 different shampoos/soaps and a dog conditioner before I got the smell off. Antibacterial Dawn dish soap first and then 3 different dog shampoos and conditioner last.
2010-09-24 2:51 pm
like the mojority of answers use dog shampoo its cheap enough and DONT USE VINIGER TO CLEAN A DOG.
2010-09-24 2:47 pm
They go after rats. He could have found a dead rat and rubbed his own body against the dead animal.

If it is cold outside you could shampoo him out in the yard. Once he is cleaned up take him in and so whatever conditioning process as required.
參考: 2 x owner of Yorkshire Terrier
2010-09-24 2:47 pm
Go to the dog store and buy shampoo and or mist for the fur. Also there are some kind of breath refresher's for dogs. Good luck!
2010-09-24 2:45 pm
Just give him a bath. Use any dog shampoo/conditioner. The smell really is easy to get out.

If you don't have conditioner on hand you can use a little bit of olive oil.
2010-09-24 2:45 pm
Most people swear that tomato juice works.. the one time it happened to me... I washed him good with soap and then covered him with vinegar.. perfect!

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