Consider the following specific heats of metals?

2010-09-24 12:37 pm
Metal Specific Heat/ J/(g K)
lithium 3.56
gallium 0.372
nickel 0.444
gold 0.129
sodium 1.23

If the same amount of heat is added to 200 g samples of each of the metals, which are all at the same temperature, which metal will reach the lowest temperaure?
A nickel
B gallium
C sodium
D gold
E lithium

回答 (1)

2010-09-24 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
OK...s'been a while...a substance's specific heat is the amount of heat (energy) required to elevate some unit mass of that substance by some amount, right? Yeah, yeah...Joules over grams-Kelvin. Hence, the material with the highest specific heat ought to increase the LEAST with the introduction of the same energy...that would be Lithium at 3.56 J/g-K, according to your options.

So the answer is E) Lithium. It requires the most energy to raise its temperature, so its temperature will increase the least.

I don't know if these are really the values for these elements...presumably so. I recall that water has a specific heat of around 4 ...same units, undoubtedly, and of course H2O has a HIGH heat capacity, certainly relative to most metals. It makes sense for gold to possess a really low value, excellent heat conductor that it is.
2016-04-28 3:38 am

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