請英文高手幫忙, entirety life or..???

2010-09-25 7:32 am
請英文高手幫忙 :

1 - 形容 : 一世人 或 成世人

應該是 : entire life, entirety life, 或 entirely life ???????

entire --- a. / noun
entirety --- noun,
用時, 有何分別 ?

請提供正確, 完整例句 !

但不要從字典抄過的 !

2 - 請正確翻譯下面的句子 :

Because I could not stop for DEATH, he kindly stopped for me;the carriage held but just ourselves and immortality.

多謝幫忙 !

回答 (4)

2010-09-28 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
the correct one should be "entire".
it means your "whole".(它的意思是整個)

The entire village was destroyed because of an earth quake.

因爲一個地震發生, 所以整個村都被毀了.

I hope I helped you!!!!!!!!
參考: 自己想的
2010-09-25 7:41 pm


2010-09-25 4:10 pm
the whole life

the adj. 'entire' is not appropriate.
2010-09-25 7:49 am
it should be entire life (adjective here to describe life)
參考: me

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