
2010-09-25 6:36 am


又或者無飛行里數 但係d分儲黎都可以有d用呢???

因為我需要張卡黎交gym ga月費 無卡就唔可以申請 真麻煩


回答 (2)

2010-09-28 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案

亞洲萬里通 ~ 儲里數已成為我既嗜好 ~ 信用咭篇

亞洲萬里通 ~ 儲里數已成為我既嗜好 ~ 總結篇
參考: 粒粒玲子 lovelovelings
2010-09-25 9:26 am
My suggestion is you can give up your idea,

Airlines miles by credit card is earned in a 1 mile per HKD$8 rate. If you want to redeem an award economy ticket within Asia. It will cost you about 20000 miles.

In other word, if you earn your miles strictly on credit card, you will have to spend HKD$160,000 at least in order for you to get a free ticket (if seats are available).

Also, you have 2 choices for cards - one that earn miles directly or one that earn point then allow conversion. Cards that earn miles carry a nonrefundable annual fee. Card that earn point (then miles) will require you to pay an transaction fee for the transfer.

Simply apply a card that fit your need - no need to be fancy.

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