What is the advantages of glue

2010-09-25 3:20 am
What is the advantages of glue?
What is the shortcoming of glue?

回答 (2)

2010-09-25 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
宇航: The advantages of glue includes its convenient and easy way to adhere two items together, it can bond two items of different materials together and dries up in short time.
The shortcoming of glue lies in the fact that once it is harden, it is difficult
to seperate the two items apart, and even if you can, it is difficult to clean
up the glue unless by using the specific solvent.
參考: common knowledge
2010-09-29 3:57 am
the advantages of glue is that it ssticks things together easily.
theshortcoming of glue is that it sometimes make a big mess, and you cannot
take apart.

2010-09-28 19:59:38 補充:
it can stick two items of different materials together and dries up in short time.
(the above things are only correct for liquid glue)

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