Men and Dinosaurs Together?

2010-09-23 3:11 pm
Have you ever wondered why there exist so many ancient paintings and carvings that depict both men and dinosaurs together?

回答 (18)

2010-09-23 3:15 pm
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There are no ancient paintings and carvings that depict men and dinosaurs together; dinosaurs were unknown to men until the mid-19th century. There *are* many cave paintings depicting prehistoric beasts and men, but only animals that actually did co-exist with our ancestors (such as woolly mammoths and cave bears.) If you find authentic cave paintings showing men and dinosaurs together, I would like to see them, but in all likelihood any such paintings would be hoaxes.
2010-09-23 3:16 pm
"there exist so many ancient paintings and carvings that depict both men and dinosaurs together"

*citation needed
2010-09-23 3:21 pm
There are no such paintings. There are paintings of an alligator or a lizard that a small minority of people would like to be dinosaurs, but obviously such primitive peoples could not have drawn pictures of something they never saw.
2010-09-23 3:13 pm
Because the world is only a few thousand years old?

Is that the answer you're looking for?
2010-09-23 3:24 pm
That's a very common creationist claim...but when citation for these alleged works are asked for, it's never given.

There are cave paintings that depict people and now-extinct beasts, such as aurochs, but not a single work includes anything that even remotely resembles dinosaurs.
2010-09-23 3:19 pm
Gosh, where did you discover those? Fame and fortune await you - if they are real......
Can we see them?
2010-09-23 3:18 pm
No, but I have wondered why and how people believe that men and dinosaurs lived together -- when all reliable evidence shows that we were separated by 65 million years.
2010-09-23 3:13 pm
There is no fossil evidence that such is true. Also, you may want to look at those cave drawings again.

Can you provide links to these drawings/paintings/carvings?
2010-09-23 3:29 pm
I've never wondered that because there are no such things.

Go ahead, show us *one* legitimate, verified one. I'll wait...

Oh, right, you can't. Never mind.

2010-09-23 3:14 pm
There is not one picture like that
2010-09-23 3:14 pm
No they never lived together, that just shows how far the human imagination can go.
2010-09-23 3:25 pm
Here is the evidence for humans and dinosaurs together:

Hope this helps ...
2010-09-23 3:20 pm
I have never seen a carving or paint like tis.

2010-09-23 3:57 pm
It is in the Bible that they were together. Dinosaurs before Adam and Eve sinned were docile creatures and not meat eaters. Afterwards they became meat eaters like us. Yes, they did live with us on earth before and after the sins of Adam and Eve. They were put on earth as scavenger eaters to eat the garbage and clean up the messes of human beings.
2010-09-23 3:13 pm
No... I have never wondered why..
參考: Kadija S
2010-09-23 3:29 pm
When I was in school, many years ago, we were taught that the
woolly mammoth was extinct thousand upon thousands of years before "man" came on the scen.
now we "know" that man killed them off
Science is fickle
stick around 50 more years and you will see many scientific "facts" disproved.
Don't blame scientist tho
they present facts as they see them
then everyone takes and twists them to fit what they believe
參考: q
2014-04-09 4:25 pm
No, there are paintings of animals fundies want to think are dinosaurs, they have no proof other than their opinions.
2010-09-23 3:23 pm
Angels mated with the humans and animals light-years ago...and in the Book of Enoch tells you that they became a race of demonic giants that then destroyed all life, even humans, but man survived...(HOW?) living in caves,trees etc. But they were together at one point, but the beasts had to die first.

First it was them roaming around, now its us

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