my dog has ticks what does it cost to remove them?

2010-09-22 1:54 pm

回答 (17)

2010-09-22 2:13 pm
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The hot match idea will get the tick to remove itself from your dog however it will also cause the tick to spit some of its contents back into your dog and if its carrying a disease such as lyme disease your dog just got it.
參考: 8 yrs vet tech
2010-09-22 9:00 pm
Depends. How bad is the tick infestation on the dog?

I always use tweezers & make sure I get the heads of the ticks as well unless they are embedded deeply.

You can put something like Frontline on the Dog to kill the ticks & then remove them once they are dead. It's easier to remove ticks once they have died.

But if your dog is badly infested, you should probably call your Vet to see what he thinks you should do.
2010-09-22 9:17 pm
How long has it had them? you can purchase a tool from the vets that looks like a question mark turned upside down it is painless you place the open end over the tick and gently pull forward it removes a complete tick but make sure you put it in boiling water or some receptacle it can't escape or you could end up being the next host. This removes whole ticks. Tweezers I would not recommend as they break the tic. If they are burrowed into the skin then the vet would be the best option.Tics are in long grass they attack human and animal they are not fussy. stay away from long grass if you can. and fields where sheep and horses have been. good luck.
2010-09-22 9:02 pm
Whatever it costs it needs to be done before your dog becomes critically ill. Take the dog to the vet ASAP and have them show you how to remove ticks yourself. The vet will sell you an inexpensive tick remover.
2010-09-23 1:06 am
What you have to do is get alcohol and tweezers. You put some alcohol on the tick when it is still in your dog, then you have to get the tweezers and pull the tick out. Make sure that you got the head of the tick out. Then put the tick in some alcohol. That's how you get a tick out.
2010-09-22 10:36 pm
Ok Ben, I got this one for you. Once ticks bit your dog, they dig in and bury there head under the skin so pulling them out sometimes pulls the head off and leaves it in the dog. They breath through there backside when embedded. One way is to give your dog a bath in water with pine oil. Use a cup and keep him soaked good for about 5 mins. This kills fleas also. Dry him and check him good later but keep in mind that some ticks will let go slower and you need to put him somewhere that the ticks wont fall into the carpet. If you have a fanced yard or a run, put him out for an hour or two. You should check with your vet. for a pill called Comfartis. It is a once a month pill for ticks and fleas. Good luck bro.
2010-09-22 9:18 pm
I have used tweezers as mentioned even though I get the heebie jeebies. Last time I gobbed a bunch of flea & tick shampoo on top of the tick and it backed out (as mentioned) - that was easy..then I grabbed a bunch of tp to grab it without feeling the tick lol.
I did call the vet but they just wanted me to do it myself, which I knew how to do - but I get grossed out trying to remove it. If I insisted I'm sure they would do it for me of course. But as I said the shampoo trick works great.
2010-09-22 9:14 pm
"You need to get the ticks to back out on their own and then die. A Lymne infected tick may not inject the spirochete for as long as fifteen minutes so you may hasten that by improperly trying to remove the tick.

A good flea and tick shampoo will make most of the ticks to back out and kill most of them. A number of applications may be needed along with a good medicated shampoo (I recommend an Iodine shampoo as an astringent) the pet may need to be tested for Lymnes disease.

After a few shampoos when you know they are dead you can remove the coat and continue to remove the dead ones. I do not recommend topicals and collars but in this case it may be the best remedy because you will get the rest of the ticks to back out on their own."

But it's easier & safer to take them to the vet! Many groomers charge at least $1 per tick removed. All these costs vary with your location and the amount of ticks.
參考: Dog Groomer
2010-09-22 9:10 pm
If it's just a few you can try do it yourself. Using tweezers, place the tweezer at the head of the tick. Pull firmly, giving a slight twist until the tick comes free. You have to pull hard, but don't jerk too abruptly or you may break off the head, leaving the fangs embedded in the skin. Drop the ticks into alcohol to kill them. Don't crush them as the contents can cause disease to animals and humans. If you have alot of ticks, or you just can't stomach it, he needs to be seen. He could have disease from the the ticks, or anemia from the blood loss, or both. Also who wants to remove all those ticks themselves, YUCK!
2010-09-22 9:06 pm
There's also a new tool called a tick remover (I saw them at Petsmart). They like like a small spoon with a groove in it, you basically run the spoon up under the tick and it locks the head in the groove and pulls it out from the base and then you just flush the tick down the toilet :)P

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