Is my puppy in heat? First time PUPPY owner!?

2010-09-22 1:44 pm
My 9 mo old puppy has had blood in her urine twice in the past 3 days.The first time was almost nothing. Just like 5 teeny speckles. Yesterday there was nothing but today there was considerably more. Her urine is still normal colored though maybe a tad darker. She is acting perfectly fine. No obvious pain. Eating and drinking normally as of last evening before I left for work. I say its in her urine because she uses a potty pad as we live in an apt and the blood has been in her urine spots. I haven't noticed any spotting anywhere else. though. Just would like some advice before I freak and take her to an unnecessary vet visit! Thank you!

回答 (8)

2010-09-22 2:00 pm
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She needs to see a vet. A female in heat does not have blood in her urine.
2010-09-22 1:52 pm
Take her to a vet. Blood in urine isn't normal. If she were in heat, the spots would be elsewhere, not in her urine. So, take her to the vet, and while you are there get her spayed. Leaving your ***** to season increases her risk of several cancers. Her risk doubles for every heat cycle.

Also, a lot of dogs act fine even if they are in pain. Or, she may not be in pain except when she is urinating.
2010-09-22 1:57 pm
Is her Vulva swollen? Do you see the bloody discharge anywhere else like her bed, your lap, furniture, etc...?

If not then you should probably take your dog to the Vet...many things including a Urinary Tract Infection can cause blood in the urine.
2010-09-22 2:13 pm
Yes I do Think You should take her to the vet. Its not a normal thing for blood to be in urine when they're in heat.

If she's in heat her vulva will be swollen.

See a vet as soon as possible before it gets any worse.

All the best.
2010-09-22 2:08 pm
Either way this goes you only have the same option...VET....spay before she gets pregnant or antibiotics if it's a bladder infection.
2010-09-22 1:58 pm
If she's not showing any other signs of being in season, such as a swollen vulva then she probably has a urinary tract infection and needs to be taken to the vet.

If it is a UTI, by the time blood is evident it's been going on for a while. UTI's are very painful when the dog urinates.
2010-09-22 1:46 pm
you need the vet, its not normal.
I think your dog is some urine problem.
Might be stones or some thing serious.
Dont wait.
2010-09-22 1:56 pm
Two possibilities:

1. in heat for the first time;

2. bladder infection or something serious - my Peke had something similar but he was 9 years old. Months before that he didn't like bathing but I didn't think much of it. It turned out that his red cells were broken down by some parasites and they came out in his urine.

Observe how your puppy behaves. Keep a journal which will become useful when you need to take her to the vet.

By the way have you turned her over and see if her backside is a litte swollen?

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