Why does my 4 month old rotti rub his face in other dogs poo?

2010-09-22 10:27 am
everytime we got for a walk, he will try to rub his face in other dogs dropping. it is sooo annoying coz i gota bath him like 3 times a day

回答 (5)

2010-09-22 10:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Just get on top of it now so that you get him out of the habit.

Just watch him like a hawk especially as at that young he is probably onlead most of the time. He should only be out on a walk for about 20 mins a day at his age anyway so it isn't long to watch him.

To be honest I HATE THIS.... really one of my CAN'T STAND habits and so I do freak out at them a bit when they do this and really let them know vocally that I am not happy.

They usually stop if you keep up the attitude with them.
2010-09-22 6:48 pm
My Cocker Spaniel does that too. I watch him like a hawk and scream and yell like a lunatic as soon as he approaches anything looking remotely like it.

You have to train your puppy to stop or come on command right away if you don't want to keep washing him.
2010-09-22 5:51 pm
You probably know that dogs normally live in packs. They will smell poo and lick faces to find out what the scout dogs have been eating.
2010-09-22 5:31 pm
At least he's not eating it, like mine does. Every time, if I don't stop him in time, sure as eggs he'll get diarrhea.

Sorry, but dogs just love this kind of thing. You get used to it and you soon find out that most of the dog poo left laying all over the streets is actually cat poo.
2010-09-22 5:29 pm
its disgusting but yes its normal try and train him not to do it

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