Tenses & translation Urgent!~

2010-09-23 6:27 am
Q1. 如果我想話我好開心唔使行路到某地(仍家我係車上面講既 而我就正正搭緊車去果個地方) 我想問應該點講 同埋解釋比我聽句子點解會用果種tense
Q2. 我剛剛到達香港/ 我已經到達香港了
Q3. 我上個禮拜唔見左本書, 今日搵返啦
Q4. I had lived there for 5 years. I have lived there for 5 years. 有什麼分別?
Q5. 自從佢移民之後 我再沒有聽過佢既消息
Q6. 本書唔見左好耐 我估都係搵唔返啦
Q7. I had been reading her book/ I was reading her book 有什麼分別?

回答 (2)

2010-09-23 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I am glad that I don't need to go there on foot. (speaking now=present tense)

2. I have just arrived at Hong Kong.

3. I lost a book last week, but I have found it now.

4. past perfect is used to describe events even before one described in past tense. present perfect is used to describe things that still have an impact on the present moment

5. I have not heard from him since his immigration.

6. The book has been lost for a long time, I guess there's no returning.

7. had been: before past tense. was: only describing a past event
參考: me
2010-09-26 7:08 pm
如果用中文解past perfect tense可以說是用來形容一些「有始有終」的過去了的東西,即是說那件事在過去「已經經歷過」的事。past tense是在過去中時間上一點發生的事或是一些在過去出現的事實/真理/不變情況。past continous tense是形容在過去出現中一件延續一段時間的事情,或者是相對上兩件事同時發生(在past continuous tense情況當中past tesne發生了)。

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