If a child beats a dog with a board dose the child deserve to be bit by the dog/?

2010-09-21 11:11 am
This friends daughter who is 11 was hitting my Lhasa Apso with a board will the dog turned around and bit her several people says she shouldn't of been bit and the dog needs to be put down. I say no because the dog didn't deserve to be hit. The dog also has all her shots and license so there no chance in her getting rabies.

回答 (26)

2010-09-21 11:28 am
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Tell your friend to keep her feral daughter well away from your dog. What a cruel kid. There's something wrong with that kid to deliberately beat an innocent animal. I wonder if she bullies other kids as well as animals.

I can't help but feel glad the dog taught her a lesson that her mother neglected to teach her but I do feel very sorry it's your dog who's copping the blame. This little brat needs to learn that everything she does will have consequences of one kind or another.

Tell the several people who say the dog need to be put down that the kid needs to be reported for animal abuse and needs urgent psychiatric treatment. This is not normal behaviour for an 11yo child.

I do wonder though where you and the kid's mother while this feral brat was beating your dog. Kids and dogs should never be together without adult supervision. Mostly because you can't trust the kids.
2010-09-21 11:17 am
The most disturbing thing here is that some people think the girl didn't deserve to be bitten. That's why the girl thinks it's ok to hit a poor dog with a board in the first place! Now, of course, I wouldn't want someone to be bitten by a dog, but she certainly deserved it.
2010-09-21 11:23 am
The kid sounds like a little b*tch.
There is a lot of research into the correlation because children abusing animals and growing up to be psychopaths... she should probably get therapy now.
If someone beat me with a board, and I didn't have proper use of my hand, I would bite the b*tch too.
The dog was acting in self defense, as any other living organism would.
If she can dish it out, she should be able to take it.
My little sister is 11 and knows a lot better than to do anything like that!!! So its not even thats shes too young.
Tell the people to get effed, no court would enforce you having your dog put down!
Unless she is in hospital with serious injuries there is no reason to put an animal down, and in this instance, as it was provoked, unless she is dying there is no call for it.... Even then I would still be fighting it...
2010-09-21 11:18 am
It is self defense!

There are men out there fighting. Usually when one throws the first punch, the other man fights back. Hey we have laws yet the man hits back. For a dog she doesn't read or write so her natural reaction is to protect herself.

Why should a 11-year old girl hit a dog with a board? The girl does need some training!
2010-09-21 11:26 am
With the proviso that no dog should ever bite, I'd say, provided this is the first time he's done this, under the circumstances it is totally understandable, if not totally justified. What a sad event!!

I go on the basis that every dog 'deserves' one bite, depending totally on the situation that provoked the reaction. Attacks on a child would worry most however. This child has hopefully learnt a sad lesson - but it's the parents who are first of all, at fault in this case although by aged 11, surely this kid should have known better? Therapy, for sure.

Add - Cookie - 'friend's child', dog doesn't belong to the friend - as I read this? So surely the child doesn't come round to be anywhere near the dog anytime soon?
2010-09-21 11:19 am
the child at 11 should know better than to do that dogs are not going to stand their and put up being hit for no reason no the dog should not be put down i have two dogs one is a jack russel which is 3 my son messes her about a lot and he gets told of for it i have told him if he pulls her about and stuff and she turns round and bites him it will not be the dog that gets told of it will be him because he should not of done it in the first place my other dog is a geman shepherd she is only a puppy but looks like an adult dog
2010-09-21 11:17 am
the girl needs to be told off and the poor dog needs a nice treat being hit for no reason is ridiculous..if somebody hit the girl she would hit them back right?..no difference for a dog unless the dog is a big threat to people normally!! there's so much a dog can take from people!!
2010-09-21 5:03 pm
Yes, the child deserves to be bitten. I cannot blame the dog in this situation. An eleven year old is old enough to know that it hurts to be hit with a board. I wouldn't have that family anywhere near me or my dog, ever again.
2010-09-21 1:57 pm
But the issue is not with a 2yr old toddler. It's about a 11yr old child who should better and hopefully don't have animals of her own. It's the child's parents that should teach them right from wrong. The dog probably couldn't get away from this child and it defended it's self the only it could. That child would not be allowed at my house again.
2016-04-13 11:11 am
Whilst I wouldn't say I think the child deserved it, I do 100% blame the breeding/training/socialisation that dog got and what that child (depending on age) does around dogs. If the dog is badly bred from bad stock and not trained and socialised properly, then a child treats a dog badly I fully expect a bite to occur. However, like I said, that is not the dog's fault and in some cases not the child's either. No, Lui has never bitten anyone. He is well-bred, not only for health but temperament also, and is very well trained and socialised. As a result he is perfect with people of all ages and adjusts his behaviour accordingly. Because of his looks (white, fluffy and smiley) kids often rush up and he knows how to behave. If Lui did ever bite a child I'd be very surprised. It would take a very very extreme situation in which he was at the point of no getting away at all and mouthing wasn't working, and even then it's unlikely, but IF it did happen I would know it was not his fault. However, this is a dog I do completely trust around all people and animals and know that he would only bite for a very necessary reason, if at all. I would know that something/someone else was entirely at fault. I'm sure this sounds like I'm saying Lui is perfect, and whilst there are some little tiny things that aren't he really is in regard to this topic, and that does say a lot about what a dog can become with the right training, socialisation and breeding. If Lui did bite I would fight till the end to ensure he was not put down. I know him more than anyone and if he ever did bite I would know that doing so would have been done as a very last resort. Of course a dog should never bite a child, in the same way all dogs should be well bred, trained and socialised to ensure that could never occur.

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