Is it normal for my dog to stand higher on it's hind?

2010-09-21 11:09 am
I have a 5 month old Dogue de Bordeaux puppy. It is the first dog we have ever had and don't really know too much about them.
The problem is that when she stands she seems to be considerably higher on her back hips than on her front 'shoulders', her back kind of curves, running horizontal from the neck and then rising into a bit of a hump at the part that is above her stomach and then rounding off into her rump. I have looked at dogs of other breeds whilst out walking but can't seem to notice their posture being the same and I've tried to google images of Bordeaux's but cannot find one with a side view. I don't think there is anyone in my area that has the same breed of dog.
Is this something I should worry about or is this normal?

Just thought I should add that I wouldn't be bothered if our Dogue did have an abnormal posture, I just didn't know if this may cause her complications once she is fully grown with her hips or something. Also, I can't really visit the breeder unless it's really important as we made a 5 hour round trip to collect her.

回答 (5)

2010-09-21 11:52 am
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I found this on the D de B of GB Club website

Chest broad, powerful and deep, let down below the elbows. The depth of the chest is slightly more than half of the height of the dog at the withers. Ribs well sprung, but not barrel shaped. Back solid, broad and muscular. Topline as straight as possible and maintained while on the move. The length of the body is greater than the height at the withers as 11 is to 10 measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock. Underline slightly tucked up."

It does say the topline should be 'as straight as possible.....' but given her age, I'd say this is just a growth thing going on - after all young horses will stand higher behind, sometimes, as a 2 year old. As has been said, provided there's no pain, or limping, I'd think this is just something she's going through. Even if you can't visit your breeder, you can take photos? and email her with your concerns. And speak to her on the phone maybe? She'd be the person I'd be asking as she will know what her line does as it develops - more than a vet probably (he'd be able to feel for any problems of course), and even more than others with this breed, who may have other, different bloodlines.
2010-09-21 6:13 pm
Several breeds are higher in the rear than in the front, a Bichon is one of them. At 5 months, your Dogue hasn't developed his mature stature yet, but I would not worry about it. If you bought your dog from a breeder, she/he should be able to answer your question and show you all kinds of pictures.
參考: Breeder
2010-09-21 7:04 pm
At 5 months of age I wouldn't be worried. Dogs seem to grow in bits and pieces. Her back will probably level out.

If you're at all concerned call your breeder.
2010-09-21 6:28 pm
Is she limping or showing any signs of discomfort?

If it is not a health issue then don't worry too much about it. I would go back to the breeder and ask about her parents. Go to the SPCA and ask if they have information on this breed might be helpful.

One thing though, puppies could be purebred but if the mother had bred with another breed before then she wouldn't be able to produce purebred puppies afterwards.

My Cocker Spaniel looks purebred but his legs are a little short and back a little long. I guess his mother crossed with a Basset Hound before as my dog somehow gives me that impression from his temperament and posture.
2010-09-21 6:11 pm
As long as their is not discomfort or other physical health related problems should it really matter? Even if it is abnormal is it really such a harmful thing to worry about?

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