how is this even possible? "rookhill retriever"....?

2010-09-21 10:59 am
before anyone says no i am not trolling this is a deadly serious question.....

i saw an ad in the local shope for a "rookhill retriever" it is a cross of....
norfolk terrier, pomeranian, chinese crested, black russian terrier, new guinea singing dog, portugese water dog, english setter,komondor, corgi, spinone italiano, parson russel terrier, borzoi american water spaniel, tibetan terrier, jack russel, swiss mountain dog, lowchen, silky terrier, english foxhound, boerboel, finish spitz, bull dog, kerry blue terrier, shetland sheepdog, soft coated whealen terrier, newfoundland, irish terrier, poodle, scottish deerhound, shapei, staffordhire bull terrier, harrier and redbone coonhound.

how is it even possible yo have that many breeds mixed in one dog? i mean what have they done every dog theyev ever got just bred them all together?
its disgusting!
they also say previous litters have been good temperement, dont shed, and short fur....surely they wouldnt be able to predict these things with so many different breeds in there?

what are your opinions on this?

thansk x

回答 (4)

2010-09-21 1:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If that is true it is a mongrel. But not likely since the breeding of new guinea singing dogs is strict and only people with licenses can keep them. So unless the breeder of those pups got one illegally they just lied.

The NGSD is not even a domestic dog. Looks like they added a ton of rare breeds to make this mongrel seem rare.
2010-09-21 6:37 pm
Nonsense, obviously, but I'm struggling to understand why this breeder thinks that a fantasy genetic cocktail like that would be a good thing or a selling point. Nothing about that litter would be predictable and he certainly couldn't say that the puppies would would be any sort of Retrievers.
2010-09-21 6:29 pm
What an absolute load of rubbish.

Where on earth did you see that.

I like the word "retriever" when there are no retrievers in its background at all..
2010-09-21 6:07 pm
A lot of nonsense!

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