my westie puppy wont stop biting, any ideas?

2010-09-21 10:27 am
he has lots of toys and gets lots of attention but last few days hes getting very aggressive and i have 2 young children. bites continuously feet hands goes for faces etc. tried water bottles ignoring him etc but its not working

hes 8 weeks

回答 (11)

2010-09-21 10:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
He's a terrier! all terriers are fiesty as pups which is why you need firm consistant handling. He may be teething right now and you know how cranky kids can get when htey are getting teeth, dogs are not different. Put an old damp cloth/rag in the freezer overnight then let him play with it. The coolness will soothe his gums. Also having too many toys is just as bad as having none. Limit him to 2 or 3 toys that will help with teething then rotate them every 3-4 days with different toys.

If he really gets too much then put him in his crate to calm down for a bit. Its not punishment as long as you are not angry when you do it. Its merely giving him a chance to rest like you would put kids to bed when they get cranky.
2010-09-21 11:08 am
Before it gets serious, check out these training sites;

I raised 2 Westies and you really need serious training with them right from day one. Be careful about the yelling and hitting as that just increases the aggression.
參考: Competition Obedience Trainer
2010-09-21 10:58 am
Just had one another question on here for this.

I have said before that has to be the most asked question on yahoo and it would be a good idea to have a standard answer that everyone can refer to for it.
2017-02-18 11:28 pm
參考: Methods of Dog Training
2016-10-21 11:22 pm
Westie Pup
2016-03-17 10:31 pm
i had the same problem with my German Shorthair. he would also bit when he played but sometimes would get ruff and bite way to hard. if he is jumping on u and biting when he plays hold him down and tell him no so that he realizes that you are the "alpha" dog so to say. you may need to keep doing this over and over until he gets the point. this will prolly eventually work because they are very intelligent dogs another thing that ive herd but it didnt work for me is saying like "no" or "stop" in a very low powerfull voice to maybe scare him into not doing it anymore. i hope this helps and good luck :)
2016-02-16 9:15 pm
Dog training are excellent and very helpful to build you a stronger relationship with your dog. Read more

After I started training my dog, he became very attached to me and loves to stay by side as long as he can. But just going to them won't help. You have to practice what they teach you outside of the class and you need to keep up with it at least every now and then after the class ends otherwise they'll just go back to previous habits. This course is a really good place to go for dog obedience classes. It get's your dog around other people and dogs to socialize while getting the training you need. As for electric collars, I would say to not get one. In my experience, they're only a negative effect on your dog. I mean of course you're going to need to correct your dog, but being positive and encouraging your dog works a lot faster and easier.

Every dog is different, so unless you have a german shepherd or a really smart dog, it might take a while to train her. You might get frustrated with her, but go easy. She's still a puppy and has a lot of energy. A backyard or somewhere to run will help her get rid of a lot of energy that might cause her to misbehave from boredom.
2015-12-14 5:17 pm
here you go, I schooled my 5yo maltese dez to stop whimpering when I leave the house in just 2 days. Easy as pie. it just took using the Dog discipline magic system i found with google.
2010-09-21 11:00 am
How old is it? Teething maybe or getting too interested in young children, wanting to play with them.

It's a bad habit. When he is with your children, watch him and catch him in the act. Say no in your stern voice and do this:

Put one hand on top of his little head and use the other hand to tap his chin from below with a finger. Just tap it very lightly. The vibration that he feels would shock him a little. Before he learn not to bite try not to leave him with children unsupervised. He will soon learn if he gets a tap on the chin and a harsh no the moment he gets his teeth into toes.

Another little tip I was given and benefits me a great deal:

Disturb your puppy when he eats. This will make him not wanting to guard food or belonging. Pet him on his back when he is digging in and later shift his bowl while he is eating. Do it like you are playing games with him.

When you have young children and if the dog is always on guard with his belonging it could be dangerous. Sometimes when children pick up a toy on the floor that the dog thinks is his own toy, he could growl at or bite the children. So at least touch the dog while he digs in. If you find time to do this for the first year you will find the efforts worthwhile for the rest of his life.
2010-09-21 10:38 am
absolutely normal and he will grow out of it, you dont say how old he is. the best advice i can give you is when he nips roll his top lip under the long tooth and press a little so he yelps just a bit, he will stop instantly, and keep doing this and he will eventually learn, but he will grow out of it, my puppy when i got him was 3 months old and i was at my wits end with his nipping and my vet told me to do this, i done it a handful of times and he stopped when he was 4 months old, he is 5 months tommoro.

he will get the message. try it

and ive just read the message above mine, don't put him in a 'crate/cage' there is no point in having a pet if you have to use cages, they have to be taught, like children

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