how do i get my puppy pitbull to not bite over agressivly?

2010-09-21 9:06 am
he is only 6 weeks old and is really nice. all though sometimes when he gets really hyper he starts to play bite. i understand he is a puppy and is teething but sometimes he takes it too far and will bite hard enough to put teethmarks and he shakes his head when he clamps onto my hand. what do i do to get him to stop doing this. he also sometimes lungles for my face if it is close enough and tries to bite it. any help appreciated

回答 (3)

2010-09-21 10:02 am

Read through this and any other stuff you can on "puppies mouthing".

It has NOTHING to do with teething at all, so don't think this will go away purely when he gets his adult teeth. It is his way of communicating and playing with you and is totally normal. It is also no indication of aggression to come as he grows up so don't think that either.

However he does have to be trained out of it for sure.
2010-09-21 9:20 am
This needs to stop immediate. Take an empty can (a pringles can works great) and put beans in it. Whenever your puppy latches on too hard and lunges for your face, say "No bite!" and shake the can. That usually works for me when breaking puppies of this habit. Another thing is when they try to bite your hand, pinch their tongue lightly or try to stick your finger down their throat. That works too. It makes them associate their behavior with either the loud noise, or a painful tongue, or a gag. Remember, that it may seem cruel to you, if your dog doesn't change this behavior you could lose it when it tries to 'play' with someone and they think the dog is attacking.

Another thing that will help is only let your dog chew on toys, not you.
參考: Experience
2010-09-21 9:18 am
A tip given to me has been helpful in this respect. Hope it helps you too:

When a puppy bites, tap his lower chin from under the face with a finger, lightly, and say NO in a stern voice.

The biggest I have is a Cocker Spaniel and he is very playful. I used this method to train him and he thinks he's made a terrible mistake even when he accidentally touches my skin with his teeth.

Another useful tip: when he eats, try to disturb him playfully, start by petting his little back and gradually advance onto shifting his bowl, even to the point of taking it away and then put it back. This will help with his sense of secuirty and won't guard food or belonging when he grows up.
參考: 5 X dog owner since 1977

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