有關 Proper Number

2010-09-21 8:35 pm
1. Christmas 是否 Proper Number

2. fish 同 ant 是數到 還是數不到的名詞呢 ?

回答 (2)

2010-09-21 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)你的意是我估是問Christmas是否一個' 專有名詞', a Proper Noun. 答案是對的, 所以寫Christmas要用大草 C 開始。

2) ant是數得到的,稱' 可數名詞', 英文即 Countable Noun.句子如
Look, there are so many ants here.來看,這裏有很多蟻。

fish 在日常用語作' 不可數名詞',Uncountable Noun 像在街市的魚檔擺賣的多種魚我們也就說fish就可以了, 如 Well, look at those fish. 哇,看看那些魚。
但要留意 fish這字在某些情况下,如在寫統計學或報告時亦可用作' 可數名詞', Countable Noun 用如句子,這時fishes 就解作' 不同種類的魚' 如句子:
The list of endangered animals includes nearly 700 fishes. 這瀕臨絕種動物
參考: common English knowledge
2010-09-21 10:06 pm
This is an interesting question, so you are getting an interesting answer.

1. Christmas is not a "proper number", but it is a "proper name", and that is why we capitalize the "C".

2. "ant" is a countable noun.

"fish" is both countable and uncountable. When "fish" is used to describe the meat, it is uncountable, such as: "the doctor told him to eat a lot of fish". When fish is counted in whole, it is countable, for example: "There are three gold fish in the aquarium".

2010-09-22 07:02:38 補充:
Some nouns, such as fish, take the plural form without having to add "s or es", but it does mean they are not countable. For example, I am now counting: one fish, two fish, three fish etc.

2010-09-22 07:03:08 補充:
Fish, of course, can also take the plural form as "fishes" to mean different species of fishes, and even then, they are countable, like "2 species of fishes", "3 species of fishes" etc..

2010-09-22 07:03:26 補充:
An uncountable noun, is like "water". You simply can not count it, so "one water", "two water" ....etc. would be grammatically incorrect.
參考: my past learning

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