
2010-09-20 11:02 pm
Scientific experiments are also concerned with isolating the variables. A good science experiment does not simultaneously test several variables, but rather a single variable that can be measured against a control. Scientific controlled experiments are situations where all factors are the same between two test subjects, except for the single experimental variable.
Consider a commonly conducted science fair experiment. Sandy wants to test the effect of gangsta rap music on pea plant growth. She plays loud rap music 24 hours a day to a series of pea plants grown under light, and watered every day. At the end of her experiment she concludes gangsta rap is conducive to plant growth. Her teacher grades her project very low, citing the lack of a control group for the experiment. Sandy returns to her experiment, but this time she has a separate group of plants under the same conditions as the rapping plants, but with soothing Led Zeppelin songs playing. She comes to the same conclusion as before, but now has a basis for comparison. Her teacher gives her project a better grade.

Explain the differance between variables and controls in a scientific experiment. What is the purpose of a control?

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回答 (4)

2010-09-23 1:40 pm
2010-09-22 3:21 am
考慮一個普遍進行科學公正的實驗。桑迪希望測試其效果gangsta斥責音樂豌豆植物生長。她大聲說唱音樂播放24小時,每天的一系列豌豆種植植物,光,並每天澆水。在結束她的實驗,她說 gangsta斥責,有利於植物生長。她的老師非常低年級她的計劃,理由是缺乏一個控制組的實驗。桑迪回到她的實驗,但這次她有一個單獨的植物組在相同條件下植物的說唱,但舒緩的Led Zeppelin的歌曲播放。她來到了同樣的結論與以前一樣,但現在有一個比較基礎。她的老師給她一個更好的項目等級
參考: 我
2010-09-21 6:45 pm


2010-09-21 2:42 am
科學實驗也是隔離的變數。 良好的科學實驗同時測試多個變數,但而是一個可以衡量的控制項的一個變數。 科學的對照的實驗是相同的兩個測試科目除為單個實驗變數之間的所有因素情況。
考慮通常進行的科學的公平實驗。 桑迪想要測試依稀說唱音樂對豌豆植物生長的影響。 她一天一系列的豌豆植物種植下光和澆水每天 24 小時播放高聲說唱音樂。 在她的實驗結束時,她說今生說唱有利於植物生長。 她的老師級她很低的專案引用缺乏實驗的對照組。 沙返回到她的實驗,但這一次她有單獨的一組作為 rapping 的植物,但與柔和領導輸入歌曲播放相同的條件下的植物。 她來到之前,作為相同的結論,但現在有比較的基礎。 她的老師為她的專案提供了更高的等級。

解釋變數和科學實驗中的控制項之間異。 控制項的目的是什麼?

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