My dog is coughing like a dry, hoarse honk. I see the vet tomorrow, are there home remedies you'd suggest?

2010-09-20 6:39 am

He is a seven month old brussels griffon, we had him at a boarding hotel, and they ending up having to isolate him, because they think he has come down with Kennel Cough.

回答 (10)

2010-09-20 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't give anything now. The above answerer is right; the vet ought to hear the coughing untreated. Just on a guess I'd say kennel cough, but I can't hear it and I am not a vet. After your vet visit, try a little Karo (pure corn syrup) down his throat to relieve the coughing. It won't actually cure it, but he'll feel better.
2010-09-20 6:46 am
don't give your dog anything but food and water tonight.

the vet needs to hear the couch as it is - not after you have given something to help.
2010-09-20 7:19 am
my dog does the same thing. she does it whenever she gets something stuck in her nasal passage or in her throat. small dogs do it more frequently than large dogs. its called a reverse sneeze (AKA puppy athsma)... im not positive thats what it is because i havent heard it and it was not mentioned if it is a new thing for your dog... but thats what it sounds like.

from now until the vet appointment, keep a video camera (or camera phone with video) handy... video tape it if you can because chances are it wont happen when your dog is at the vet... it always seems to happen like that.

some things to think about before the appointment and to discuss with the vet would be:
how often has this been going on?
how frequently does it occour?
when does your dog do it most often? (after eating, after drinking, after physical activity, an occasional random attack)
how long do the attacks last?

if you and your vet decide it may be a reverse sneeze (or puppy athsma), this is what i know about it... in case the vet isnt super familiar with it, which is unlikely... but i did some reasearch about it after i found out my dog had it...
-its just something they do, and it wont go away
-its really not a big deal (not deadly)
-its their way of clearing their nasal passage or throat (like a human's sneeze or cough)
-once they start, sometimes it can be difficult for them to stop, kind of like a humans hiccup... to calm the spasm, put one hand on their back, and the other hand on the underside of their ribcage. press firmly (not hard, but firm enough to slightly slow their breathing) usually they will stop right away though someitmes it can take a few seconds

i do this ^^^^ with my dog every time she does it, and it always works. my dog does it a few times a day usually after eating, drinking, or playing. sometimes she will do it randomly, like if she gets some dust in her nose or a particle of whatever she was just smelling

if this is a completely new thing for your dog, it probably has something stuck in its throat and in which case, the vet may be able to use a camera scope to see what may be lodged or irritating him/her
參考: my dog, my vet, and my reasearch :) i hope this helped.
2016-12-21 4:23 am
Brussels could be the capital of Belgium and is the key seat of the Belgian Royal Family and, also the capital of the European Union and if you want to know it then this is actually the place hotelbye . Brussels is an amazingly little, easy-going, and human-sized town for all its importance. Unlike anthers city using their millions of tourists, Brussels is Belgium's major economic and educational centre, which provides the city a more workaday sense than other towns. Here, in Brussels, if you'd decide to visit, you will receive a proper experience for Belgian living, especially its fantastic restaurant and café culture. While Brussels may possibly not need the star attractions of different Belgian areas, the capital has more than enough to keep readers occupied for a couple of days with a clutch of world-class museums and art galleries, as well as quirkier views like the Atomium, and some amazing remnants of old architecture in the previous city quarter.
2016-11-13 10:51 pm
Dry Hoarse Cough
2016-04-24 5:56 pm
The owner of the dog needs to know how to "operate" the dog, same way you can get into a car that's in perfect running order but if you don't know how to drive you won't have much luck making the car go anywhere. If the owner doesn't know how to maintain the training, the dog will soon become untrained again. Read more here

People seem to think that once a dog is trained, that's it. Not true. You must reinforce the dog's training every single day in some way. It's best if the owner and the dog go together to get trained. As a professional trainer once said to me "We can train any dog in 2 days. It takes longer to train the owners
2016-03-19 10:07 am
Follow the steps:- • Breathe the steam from a vaporizer, hot shower, or pan of boiling water. The moist air will soothe the airways and loosen sinus congestion and phlegm in your throat and lungs. A few drops of the oil of eucalyptus will help this process. • Elevate the head of your bed. This will allow your sinuses and nasal passages to drain better and not create that "tickle" in your throat. • Stop smoking. Passive smoke or other irritants, such as chemicals, can be a cause. Household cleaners, new carpeting, paneling and mattresses are some of the many possible sources of chemical irritants. • Drink at least 8 eight ounce glasses of water. This is especially important if your cough is due to an illness. Water is the best expectorant you can take and will help thin the mucus and loosen the cough. • Do not use over-the-counter expectorant cough remedies as they just suppress the symptoms and do not address the underlying problem. If you have the kind of cough with mucus you want to get it out of your respiratory system, not suppress it. Try one of the natural expectorant remedies below. • Try eating hot chili peppers, horseradish or other spicy foods. They will help loosen mucus. • During the winter, if your house is dry, use a humidifier and a cool-mist vaporizer in your bedroom at night. This will help thin the mucus. Be sure to thoroughly clean the vaporizer, as it can harbor bacteria. • Drink hot tea to break up the mucus and open and moisten the airways. • Cough drops or hard candy will help stop the tickle if you have a dry cough and will moisten the throat. • Avoid foods that increase the production of mucus, such as dairy products, meat and fried foods. • Hot packs placed on your throat and chest are very soothing WAS THIS INFORMATION HELPFUL?
2014-11-22 3:22 am
My dog just started doing this the past couple of days. Tonight, he coughed a lot and he coughed up mucus with brown flecks and a little blood (once w/blood), then just clear, bubbly mucus. He was pulling too hard on his collar/least today out of excitement (terrier). Could this have hurt him? Why does this always seem to happen going into a weekend, when the vets are more expensive? Ugh. Hope your dog is alright. :o)
2010-09-20 6:48 am
If your dog is old it could be heart problem causing liquid to get into the lungs hence the cough. My 16-year old Yorkie had that.

Some tasty meat broth for the dog to moisturise the throat in the meantime?
2010-09-20 6:50 am
Sounds like it could be an allergy, my vet tech told me to just use benadryl

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