Housetraining my puppy?

2010-09-19 8:09 pm
My puppy is a 6 month old rottweiler. He started house training at 12 weeks old, took him about a week to get the idea, but i carried on with the training for a further 3 weeks or so til i was confident he knew to go outside.He still has accidents overnight, but thats fine as i know they cannot hold on for as long as an adult dog, so i kind of expected that.
The problem is, recently he has stopped wanting to go to the toilet outside. He used to whine at the back door til i opened it for him, now he just goes when he needs to, always in the living room by the front door. If i take him outside he does go, but if i dont lead him out, he always goes inside, its as if he is marking in his own home, as a few times he has urinated just after going out to urinate.
This behaviour has come from nowhere, so what should i do? Just continue to housetrain as i was doing before? He isnt neutred yet (but he soon will be) and he is happy and healthy.

回答 (5)

2010-09-19 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I hate to say this- but if you are not training thru the night as well he is not going to understand what you want from him. You are basically saying it's OK for him to go in the house at certain times- (night) but not at other times- (day.) Puppies will not understand this type of training. Part of owning a puppy is committing to getting up at night, often several times, and taking him out. Eventually his bladder will become stronger and he will sleep thru the night but that takes time. And even thou your pup is probably there now, I think you need to start the create training process over again. He needs to know that it is NEVER OK to go potty inside the house.
2010-09-20 3:15 am
2010-09-20 3:14 am
Yes, continue as you did before. Seems like you would have some idea of his schedule by now.
You guys gotta work together. I love rotties. Very smart and loyal dogs.
Make sure this dog is getting some nice walks also.
2010-09-20 3:13 am
2010-09-20 3:11 am
參考: me (i hav a puppy too. she's still not trained)

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