2010-09-20 5:06 am
我唔明點解 CH3COOH is more acidic than H2CO3 ??

乜唔係CH3COOH 個extent of delocalization 細過H2CO3 咩??

thanks if u can help me~

回答 (1)

2010-09-20 6:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
consider the first delocalization.
for both hydrogencarbonate ion and ethanoate ion, both of them have TWO oxygen atoms for delocalization (resonance). [the third oxygen in hydrogencarbonate ion is binded to H, making delocalization onto this oxygen less feasible.]

apart from that, consider inductive effect. the third oxygen (H-O-) in hydrogencarbonate ion has electron-withdrawing effect, reducing the electron density in the resonating system. methyl group in ethanoate ion, however, has electron-donating effect, increasing the electron density and strengthening the basicity, in turn weakening the acid.

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