翻譯成英文`!! (10點) 今日之內要答到`!!

2010-09-20 4:30 am
Do you think you have a well-balarced diet ?
Why or why not ?

Yes , I do , it is because (我有定時的飲食以及我不偏食) .

幫我翻譯個答案成英文,,, 最好盡量簡短d`... thz`

最好有多d人答..比多d選擇我,,,thz` ! !

回答 (6)

2010-09-20 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.)I have in fixed time of food and I don't am partial to a food (我有定時的飲食以及我不偏食)

2.)I have the diet as well as my not partial eclipse fixed time我有定時的飲食以及我不偏食

3.)I have the fixed time diet as well as my not partial eclipse我有定時的飲食以及我不偏食

4.)I have the time to diet, and I am not a partial eclipse我有定時的飲食以及我不偏食
參考: ^^
2010-09-21 12:05 am
Yes, I do. It is because I have regular meals and I don't leaning on certain food.

Yes, I do. It is because I have eat regular time and I don't partial on certain food.
參考: myself
2010-09-20 9:27 pm
Yes, I do have a well-balanced diet because I eat regularly, and I eat variety of foods.
2010-09-20 6:51 pm
Yes, I do, because all of my meal menus are designed by the nutritionist.
2010-09-20 8:54 am
Yes, I have a regular diet, and do not choose food.
2010-09-20 7:27 am
Yes, I do. It is because I eat at regular time and take a wide variety of food.

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