A spaniard = Spanish?

2010-09-20 1:44 am
What is the meaning of he is a Spaniard and what is the meaning of he is Spanish?

回答 (3)

2010-09-20 4:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Spaniard (noun) = someone from Spain.(Spaniard is singular)
the Spanish (noun) = people from Spain. (In this case, Spanish is plural)
Spanish (noun) = the language used in Spain and South America, except Brazil.(西班牙語)

Spanish (adjective) = relating to Spain, its people, or its language.
"Spanish" can be a noun as well as an adjective.
He is a Spaniard. 他是一個西班牙人

He is Spanish. 他是西班牙人; or 他是西班牙籍
Spaniard and Spanish (The alphabet "S" 要 capital letter).

2010-09-23 1:41 pm
2010-09-20 2:48 am
'A Spaniard' is noun, meaning someone of Spnish nationality, whereas
'Spanish' is just an adjective, that's all.
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