about files in BitComet?

2010-09-19 6:08 am
Can I still download the file in BitComet after I turn off the computer? Will it get deleted?

回答 (1)

2010-09-19 8:11 am
To start a torrent with a hashcode using the torrent downloading program, it is possible to resume, provided the group that was seeding you is still alive and active. Resume of a torrent is always iffy. Without the hashcode it is impossible. That is, sometimes we just join a group without copying the big long string of characters that represent the hashcode. Azures (now called Vuze) stored that hashcode for later use, but often the seeding had migrated. Your file won't get deleted, without the whole file on your hard drive, the .torrent is trash taking up space.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 13:20:32
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