adopted my dog 2 years ago from the spca..?

2010-09-19 4:45 am
And just the other day apparently the " orginal " owner came to my door steph saying my dog was his dog and he lost it way back..... and how he wanted his dog back....

The dog is lawfully mine, how do I get him to leave me alone and what are my legal rights and his...
Funny thing is he lives 7-8 doors down from me and claims for 2 years he's never seen his dog with me.. <_< When we found him he was skinny ..very bruised, and his eye was puffy.... we tried to catch him for about a mnth..and when we did we called animal control and they took him to the spca... after that we adopted him...... now hes in great shape and is as healthy as a horse...

the guy even quoted "the dog looks healthy and looks like he's been well taken care of... i want my dog back.. " like wtf? ..its like f*** off.... u shudve not lost your dog especially if im only 8 doors down from you .. u shud've looked harder.. and now that hes in better shape u want him?
afterwards he also told me i now know where u live and where my dog is.. O_O! freaky

he's my dog ive had him for 2 years.. move on... he was so scared of ppl when i found him.. nows he friendly ..well taken care of and loved by my husband, and i and my other dog which is now his brother <3

so now he wants to take legal action and attempt.. and getting his dog back .. who he neglected in the first place cuz now hes all healthy or something... how do i get him off my back and leave me alone....??

i warned him to never come on my property or near my house or my dog or i will call the cops on him...? ugh

what can i do :( scared hes going to coem in my house and steal my pup and im scared to walk him now to :(

i found the dog on my back step.. 3 x i fed him.. 4th time i was able to lure him into my house (8 doors down from the dude)... poor fella was so skinny.. i called animal control.. and we adopted him from the spca..


i called the rcmp/police already they said because he hasnt threaten me they cant do anything.. <_<


i have all the paper work to prove hes mine... and i defiantely agree that "i know where you live" shud be looked at as harrasement or a threat :(

回答 (7)

2010-09-19 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Make sure your dog is never outside unattended.

You don't want him to snatch or poison your dog.

As another poster suggested -- getting a tattoo or microchip is a great idea (if you don't have either). Make sure you keep the microchip information current.

Make sure you have your adoption paperwork from the SPCA. That proves the dog is yours. Take good current photos of your dog - all sides, all markings. That way, you have those to help identify your dog, should you ever need to.

It may be worth it to see if you can file a report with your local police department. That way, if something happens in the future, you have already documented your concern. The dog is clearly your property and you have a valid reason to be concerned. Hopefully you can file a police report and maybe, a visit by a uniformed officer to your neighbor will solve the problem.

Good luck to you.
2010-09-19 11:54 am
call the SPCA. you adopted the dog and have a legal contract to say so.. they (the SPCA) were the legal Owner before not the guy.. infact the SPCA took ownership from the guy..

if you have to call the cops do so.. and charge the guy with harassment - get a restraining order against him...

does the dog have any permanent identification linking it to you - Tattoo, microchip.. if not I would get something just in case... also take pictures if you havent already -
2010-09-19 11:55 am
Isn't that something. As the wife of a law enforcement officer you need to contact the police department and make them at least aware of what is going on. This way they have a report on file. You have paper work from the shelter that proves you adopted this dog so you really have nothing to worry about. There is no legal action that he can take, the shelter should be able to prove what condition this dog was in when they took him/she in. Call the P.D. report the crazy dude. Good Luck and I am glad your dog found you!
2010-09-19 11:49 am
He has no right to take your dog. I can understand why you would be afraid to walk him. Perhaps you can take the dog to a park near your house instead. If the previous "owner" takes you to court, you have a much better chance of winning than him. Good Luck and God Bless.
2010-09-19 12:07 pm
tell him to go ahead and have his lawyer contact your lawyer. You adopted the dog legally thru the humane society.. the dog has been in your care for 2 years. He has NO case.

However, if he continues to harrass you, call the police. You can press charges against him for harrassment.

I would think that a comment like "I know where you live" should be considered a threat!
2010-09-19 11:59 am
Call the police and the SPCA. It doesn't sound like he's going to leave you alone, so get them involved.

Also make sure you always supervise the dog, never let him out of your sight until you get this sorted out.
2010-09-19 11:58 am
Since you have gone through animal control and the SPCA routine to adopt him I doubt that the previous owner could do much to get the dog back.

I can't accept that the dog was lost in the first place. Unless he was never walked by this man or else the dog should have been able to get back to his own door step. If you found him in a far away area than I can accept that the dog might have been chased by another dog and got lost. Did you say that you found this dog in the neighbourhood?

If this man threatens you maybe it is a police matter.

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