我想問ride cymbal點解好多鼓都無?

2010-09-18 8:23 pm
我想問ride cymbal點解好多鼓都無既 我覺得無左ride cymbal唔算係一套鼓囉 無左佢好多歌都打唔到咁 有無方法可以取代? 好似我學校咁個鼓又係無ride cymbal
好似好多人都唔買咁 希望有人答到我吧 詳細最好

回答 (1)

2010-10-03 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案

A Zildjian 19" Armand Ride CymbalAccording to most drummers, the term ride means to ride with the music as it sustains after it is struck. However, it can apply to either the function of the cymbal in the kit or to the characteristics of the cymbal itself. Most cymbal makers designate some of their cymbals as ride cymbals indicating they are designed primarily for this purpose. However, they can be altered to suit different purposes or requirements that the drummer may see necessary for what they are using the cymbal for.Some drummers use a china cymbal, a sizzle cymbal or a specialised tone such as a swish or pang cymbal as a ride cymbal. When playing extremely softly, when using brushes, and when recording, even a paperthin crash may serve well as a ride cymbal.On the other extreme, when playing extremely loudly a cymbal designed as a ride may serve well as a very loud, long crash.The Crash/Ride CymbalSome cymbals are designated crash/ride or more rarely ride/crash to indicate that they are designed to serve either function, and perhaps which function is more likely. Such a cymbal will typically serve as both a large slow crash and a secondary ride, or it may be reserved for one purpose or the other in a particular playing situation.

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