✔ 最佳答案
ATCL 係演奏文憑既一種
你可以考聖三一音樂學院(Trinity Guidhall) / 皇家音樂學院(Royal School of Music)既演奏文憑
聖三一音樂學院(Trinity Guidhall):
1. Associate: ATCL(Recital) /ATCL in Performance
2. Licentiate: LTCL(Recital)
3. Fellowship: FTCL in Performance
分3級, FRCL 係最高級
ATCL(Recital) 要準備一個30~35分鐘既performance, 再+ 一份300字既programme note
ATCL in Performance 要準備一個23~27分鐘既performance, 再+ 一份300字既programme note, 佢會再俾你一d technical work既test
皇家音樂學院(Royal School of Music):
1. Diploma of The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (DipABRSM)
2. Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (LRSM)
3. Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Music (FRSM)
分3級, FRSM 係最高級
DipABRSM 要準備一個35分鐘(±10%)既performance, 再+ 一份1100字(±10%)既programme note, 仲有1 part叫viva voice 要同考官discuss 你perform 既歌
我正係講左演奏文憑(ATCL / DipABRSM), 專業文憑(Licentiate) o個d要求比演奏文憑高d, 同埋要考左演奏文憑先, 所以唔講住
ATCL 其實同DipABRSM 差唔多, 佢地既分別係:
ATCL 同1~8級一樣得一個考官, DipABRSM 有2個考官, 有一個係你考o個樣樂器既professional
ATCL 份programme note 要300字, DipABRSM要1100字(±10%)
DipABRSM 有多一part viva voice, 要同考官discuss 你perform 既歌, 呢一part係最另人望而卻步既part, 因為你需要有充足既Music Theory同Music History知識, 仲有要全英文
以合格率黎講ATCL係容易d, 因為唔使viva voice..
ATCL 同DipABRSM 既要求只係performance grade.8
姐係樂器八級, 所以唔使考八級樂理
你可以選擇考ATCL 或者 DipABRSM
你想學上去都係要靠教你琴個呀sir/miss 嫁啦