How can I reduce the amount of dog hair shedded?

2010-09-18 3:19 am
I have a Blue Heeler mix dog. We do not know what other breed he is mixed with. However, he does have the characteristics of a Dachunds or Jack Russel. He is about a year and 7 months old. He sheds year round, and it is boderline excessive. The hair gets on clothes, furniture and the car. A lot comes out when bathing him, and when brushing him. But that does not cut it. A grooming specialist told us that with his kind of coat, his hair can't be cut or trimmed. It will grow back thicker, aand not as soft. What can I do?

回答 (9)

2010-09-18 3:42 am
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Ok, your groomer is correct. I wouldn't shave the dogs hair. It shocks the coat, and will make it come in with more under coat...the part that is shedding and it will matt up easier, making grooming much much more difficult. Dogs hair isn't like peoples. Shedding dogs have basically 2 coats, the undercoat and the guard hairs,. The undercoat sheds out continuously, while the guard hairs only shed out very seldom, and help to control the softer undercoat. When you cut the hair, you cut both coats and kill off the guard hairs, leaving the undercoat unmanageable and without the guard hairs will grow in thicker.

The best method is to give your dog a nice warm bath. While it is soaped up in the tub, take a gentle slicker brush and brush brush brush! Remove as much hair as you can while the warm soapy water is on the dog, add more water/shampoo as needed to keep the hair wet and warm (to open the hair folicals.) Then after the dog is rinced. Dry with a towel and finish with a blow dryer, brushing the dog as it dries. If done right, there will be very little shedding over the next few weeks. When you notice the shedding starting up again, start the process over. This method is best when done at a professional groomer, as most have a high velocity dryer that will also aid in removing any remaining loose hairs.

Hope this helps. Darcy the Groomer
2010-09-18 3:20 am
Brush him more, it's not growing back as fast as he loses it you know.
2016-03-17 8:12 pm
Most dogs shed excessively during summer. You are doing everything possible already it sems. Keep up with the brushing and if your climate supports you can also bathe your dog everyday. However I dont like the idea of shaving your dog
2010-09-18 3:32 am
Brush more frequently and wash less. Brushing is good for his skin and eventually he might not shed as much. If he has a healthy coat which is brushed everyday he doesn't need washing much.

My Pekinese has a very thick coat and I am forever covered with his hair. People just know I have a hairy dog at home by taking one look at me. In Spring and Autumn I brush him the opposite direction ie from tail to neck. That would take out even more dead hair in one go. I don't bathe him much, only once every other month as he smells good and looks groomed all the time. But neighbours always think I wash him a couple of times/week in order to keep him groomed.
參考: dog owner 5 X since 1977
2010-09-18 3:27 am
have you ever heard of a product called the furminator? it is a LIFESAVER to owners whose dogs shed. the way it works is it gets rid of all the loose hair and undercoat from your dog, which is the hair that you're finding all over your house. it may be a little expensive (depending on where you buy it from. try ebay!), but it's definitely worth it. to see the furminator in action check out all the videos on youtube. amazing how much hair it gets off the dogs and they seem to enjoy it too.
2010-09-18 3:27 am
brush, brush, brush ,brush, brush EVERYDAY

that should minimize most of the shedding, try it and i hoep your results are effective

i have poodles which have hair not fur but i have cousin - dogs that shed and i know what to do when hair gets everywhere
參考: internet and real life experience
2010-09-18 3:23 am
Furminator it takes so much hair off of your dog!!!!!! Watch the video!
參考: Furminator Owner!
2010-09-18 3:22 am
furminator comb twice a day
furminator treatment at groomers
cut or shaved it will still shed, only shorter hair
2010-09-18 3:27 am
First and foremost, are you feeding a high-quality food or just a grocery store brand? That does make a huge difference.

I would just brush him more. Cutting his hair will not stop the shedding- he will just shed shorter hairs. What the groomer said about hair growing back thicker is questionable- kind of like that old wives' tale about shaving your legs.

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