maths 20分超急help!!!!help!!!!英英英

2010-09-18 7:20 am
The difference of two positive integers is 5. Two times the square of the smaller one exceeds the square of the larger one by 71. Find the two integers.

回答 (2)

2010-09-18 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let A be the larger one , B be the smaller one :The difference of two positive integers is 5 :

A - B = 5 .........(1)Two times the square of the smaller one exceeds the square of the larger one by 71 :

2B^2 - A^2 = 71 ..........(2)By (1) , A = B + 5 , sub it to (2) :2B^2 - (B+5)^2 = 712B^2 - B^2 - 10B - 25 = 71B^2 - 10B - 96 = 0(B - 16)(B + 6) = 0B = 16 or B = - 6 (rejected since B is positive)So A = 16+5 = 21The two integers are 21 and 16.
2010-09-18 7:26 am
Let x be the smaller number.

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