
2010-09-18 6:45 am

1.back to Square One

2.Beat a Dead Horse

3.beauty is in the eyes,of the beholder

4.Bite-off more than you can chew

5.Babe in the Woods

回答 (2)

2010-09-18 7:15 pm
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1. Back to Square One   退回起點, 徒勞無功,從頭開始
Hong Kong police have released the suspect and are now back to square one.

2. Beat a Dead Horse  徒廢精力
He keeps trying to get his first book published but I think he is beating a dead horse.

3. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder  情人眼裡出西施
Don’t say that his girlfriend looks ugly; after all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

4. Bite-off more than you can chew  試圖承擔力不所及的事
President Clinton conceded, “We bit off more than we could chew in our original health care reform proposals.”

5. Babe in the Woods   容易上當受騙的人
I was like a babe in the woods when I  first came to New York.
參考: Oxford Dictionary, Longman Dictionary and myself
2010-09-18 10:24 am
pk star:
1) back to square one----解打回原形,原地踏步,毫無寸進之意。
例句:我們多年的生意經多年努力,雖曾畧有微利,但一瞬間又打回原形,原地踏步, 我提議不如把它給結束算了吧。

2)Beat a dead horse----解重蹈覆轍,不知教訓還死心不息之意。
例句:他為人冥頑不靈, 明明受了幾次失敗, 卻還堅持再投資在老本行, 難道想再一次重蹈覆轍, 永不番身纔死心?

3)beauty is in the eyes of the beholder-----解各花入各眼, 審美眼光各有不同 之意。
例句:任何人也看不到他女友有什麽美麗出眾之處, 他却偏偏為她殉情,真合了各花入各眼的說法。

4)bite off more than you can chew-----解不自量力之意
例句:他為人好高慕遠,不自量力, 手持有限資金, 却大注投資在股票上, 結果落得傾家蕩產。

5)babe in the woods-----解初出茅蘆,無知之輩之意。
例句:請兄台高抬貴手,不要欺人太甚, 老實不相瞞, 在下亦是行家, 絕非初出茅蘆之輩。
參考: nil

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