So Very (adj) is it right?

2010-09-18 3:17 am
Is it ok to say: '' I'm SO VERY nervous.. ''
or anything like '' She's SO VERY hot'' ?
Is the phrase ''SO VERY'' wrong?
Eager for the answer

ps. I'm not messing around ,
this 'so very' is spoken by a teacher.

回答 (6)

2010-09-18 3:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This question is very interesting, because the "very" in the sentence "this is so very good" is not used as an adjective. It is actually an adverb to further describe the adjective "good".

However, that is not a problem, because "so" in this sentence is also used as an "adverb", to further describe the adverb "very".

Therefore, the teacher is right. It is grammatically correct to say "this is so very good", and quite appropriately so, when one wishes to emphasize the point.

2010-09-21 12:10:20 補充:
"so very ....." is quite commonly used, to emphasize a point. See for youself by typing "so very" into a search engine.

"So far, so very good
The president-elect is proceeding with all deliberate speed"
參考: my past learning
2010-09-27 1:09 pm
There is no messing around here as Mica said.
'So very' as a phrase cannot be wrong absolutely.
2010-09-25 1:44 am
I had missed the chance to choose no.3 's answer ..
I really appreciate his/her as the references are provided also.
I stunned me when I know that "SO VERY'' phase is correct,
Thanks no.3 for your sincerity :)
2010-09-18 7:45 pm

2010-09-18 7:41 am
Is it possibile that the phrase (so very) is invented by your teacher?
I have not heard people say that.

Usually we say:
That is very good.
That is so good.
That is very, very good.

2010-09-19 22:55:19 補充:
I consulted a native speaker from the USA. He said he had never heard people say 'so very'.
2010-09-18 4:08 am
未聽過so very- -.

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