
2010-09-18 1:55 am
6b) Find the values of sin x/2, cos x/2 and tan x/2 when x is acute and sin x = 3/5

* please leave it in surd form (square root)

回答 (3)

2010-09-18 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
since sin x = 3/5 , cos x = 4/5 for x is acute
cos2(x/2) = 4/5
1 - 2sin^2 (x/2) = 4/5
sin^2 (x/2) = 1/10
sin (x/2) = (√10) / 10

sin^2(x/2)+cos^2(x/2) = 1
cos^2 (x/2) = 9/10
COS (x/2) = (3√10)/10

tan (x/2) = (√10) / 3 (√10) = 1/3

2010-09-17 18:43:16 補充:
sin x = 3/5
sin^2 x = 9/25
1-cos^2 x = 9/25
cos^2 x = 16/25
cos x = 4/5 or cos x = -4/5( reject, since x is acute )
cos x = 4/5
2010-09-18 6:53 am
all of these 2 are good, i can't make any decision....
2010-09-18 5:59 am
sin x=3/5


Let x/2=a
=(cos a)^2-(sin a)^2
=(cos a)^2-[1-(cos a)^2]
=(cos a)^2-1+(cos a)^2
=2(cos a)^2-1
Since 2a=x
cos x=2(cos x/2)^2-1
(cos x)+1=2(cos x/2)^2
(1/2)[(cos x)+1]=(cos x/2)^2

(cos x/2)^2
=(1/2)[(cos x)+1]
cos x/2=3/root(10)


sin x/2=1/root(10)
tan x/2=1/3
Answer: cos x/2=3/root(10),sin x/2=1/root(10),tan x/2=1/3

2010-09-17 22:00:12 補充:
參考: Hope I can help you ^_^

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