Complete the following sentenc

2010-09-17 8:15 pm
The staff were _____(1)_____ that they will have a pay cut starting from next month.
You should seek _____(2)_____ from your parents when choosing the course for further studies.
It is _____(3)_____ to have a consultation with the experts when making a large investment.

The cheque should be _____(1)_____ to "HKIVE".
You can make _____(2)_____ either by cheque or credit card.
The hospital charges will be _____(3)_____ by the insurance company.

The _____(1)_____ of the course will be in June of 2003.
I will proceed to the Higher Diploma level when _____(2)_____ the Diploma Course.
I support him _____(3)_____ on the issue of the restructuring of the department.

It gives me a sense of _____(1)_____ being a volunteer.
Mary is popular among her friends as she always _____(2)_____their needs.
The boss needs a _____(3)_____explanation for the staff’s lateness.

She has a _____(1)_____ manner when leading her subordinates.
Kelly was _____(2)_____ to repeat Form Five.
It is my _____(3)_____ that we have freedom of religion.

回答 (2)

2010-09-17 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) advised
2) advice
3) advisable

1) payable
2) payment
3) paid

1) completion
2) completing
3) completely

1) satisfaction
2) satisfies
3) satisfactory

1) persuasive
2) persuaded
3) persuasion
參考: nil
2010-09-17 10:10 pm
The staff were _____(1) advised (v.)____ that they will have a pay cut starting from next month.
You should seek _____(2) advice (n.)_____ from your parents when choosing the course for further studies.
It is _____(3) advisable (adj.)____ to have a consultation with the experts when making a large investment.

The cheque should be _____(1) payable (adj.)___ to "HKIVE".
You can make _____(2) payment (n.)_____ either by cheque or credit card.
The hospital charges will be _____(3) paid (v.)_____ by the insurance company.

The _____(1) completion (n.)_____ of the course will be in June of 2003.
I will proceed to the Higher Diploma level when ____(2) completing (v.)_____ the Diploma Course.
I support him _____(3) completely (adv.)_____ on the issue of the restructuring of the department.

It gives me a sense of _____(1) satisfaction (n.)_____ being a volunteer.
Mary is popular among her friends as she always _____(2) satisfies (v.)_____their needs.
The boss needs a _____(3) satisfactory (adj.)_____explanation for the staff’s lateness.

She has a _____(1) persuasive (adj.)_____ manner when leading her subordinates.
Kelly was _____(2) persuaded (v.)_____ to repeat Form Five.
It is my _____(3) persuasion (n.)_____ that we have freedom of religion.
參考: 我係英文老師

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