Why is there so much discrimination against dogs?

2010-09-16 3:44 pm
Almost anywhere you go, a store, an apartment building or a restaurant there are no dogs allowed. But dogs are better behaved and cleaner than most children. I don't think it's fair and is discrimination. If you are going to ban dogs you should also ban children.

回答 (16)

2010-09-16 7:13 pm
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As the dominant species on the planet the world revolves around humans not dogs, & the rules which are necessary to preserve order or & prevent chaos, are for the benefit of the majority (with flexibility for assistance dogs), & the minority of dog owners have to find accommodation, outside restaurants, parks ect that do cater for dogs.

Unruly children who are not disciplined by their parents are aggravating, but so is the behavior of dogs which are allowed to be a nuisance or threat to other humans or dogs.
2010-09-16 3:54 pm
Actually did you know that there are restaurants that ban children- thank god.

I wish the majority of them did.

My parents would not take us out to eat until we were old enough to behave all the time.

Common courtesy is not so common anymore as people allow their brats to scream, run around, jump up and down in the booth and generally act like wild animals in public places.

My dogs are not only better behaved then all children but also most adults.

I take my dogs out to lunch with me at least 1-2 times a week to restaurants that have outdoor seating. It is not hard at all to find restaurants that welcome dogs.

That being said when I read so many people on YA that want to train their dog to urinate in the house and use pee pads, as a landlord I would not want to allow dogs, because it seems like todays dog owners are downright lazy when it comes to training and caring for dogs. Of course those are the people whos parents let them run around in restaurants acting like wild animals and used time outs to train them.
2010-09-16 3:51 pm
Dogs are discriminated against because too many owners fail to train, contain and control their dogs and ruin it for the rest of us.

Even if a landlord says no pets or has a weight or breed limit you can always sk anyways and try to convince them to make an exception for your dog. it helps if you get your dog obedience trained and CGC certified so that the landlord will be resaonably assured your dog is well trained and not likely to destroy property or be a liability.
2010-09-16 3:58 pm
Unfortunately, people don't train their dogs or take them outside to potty as they should.
As a landlord, and a dog lover, I don't allow dogs in two small apts. I rent out for the simple reason that we have had to de-flea the whole place several times and once the renter brought in a large dog, then just left him in a back room all day and threw blankets over the poop instead of cleaning it.
You can imagine what that was like - and they snuck off without cleaning up or leaving a forwarding address. Kind of requires rules eventually.

I do make exceptions, there's a gal with a chihuahua in one of the apts. now, she walks her dog and keeps the place clean, so not a problem - didn't even ask for a dog deposit from her, she was obviously a responsible dog owner and has been just fine as a tenant.

There is also the issue of insurance if the apt. has multi-families - a dog bites someone and the landlord can be sued.

As to banning children, actually, I do in both the small apts., really not suitable for kids. It's not "discrimination" so much as suitability and lack of responsibility on the part of lots of pet owners.

As to stores and restaurants - that's not up to the owners, the Board of Health requires that NO animals be in areas where food is prepared or sold. In this area, there are many restaurants, especially near the shore, that have outdoor seating areas where you can eat while having your dog with you.

I know in many countries of Europe you can take your dog with you to stores and restaurants, but it seems to me that the dogs are a lot better trained and behaved on the whole than they are in the U.S., never saw a dog go wild and create a nuisance whle in Germany anyway - the dogs just lie down at the owner's feet and stay calm.
2010-09-16 3:55 pm
Seriously? They are banned in stores and restaurants for the comfort of all patrons. People who have allergies and just plain don't like dogs have to shop and eat too. Not to mention, not all dogs are clean and well behaved so it's a health code issue in places where there is food. Finally apartment building owners suffer from irresponsible pet owners in a big way, financially in terms of property damage and cleaning fees.
2010-09-16 3:55 pm
I would blame irresponsible dog owners for this.

BTW Paris is a nice place for dogs. They go shopping in department stores and eat in restaurants.
2010-09-16 3:46 pm
I agree. I'm having such a hard time finding an apartment that will except my sweet girl, but no luck yet. getting rid of a dog is just not an option for me.
2010-09-16 4:33 pm
health and hygiene issues.

Any place that sells food will receive a health code violation if they allow an animal inside.

Personally, i would MUCH prefer to have a well behaved dog in a restaurant than a hyper brat, but an undisciplined dog would create havac. Basically it comes down to training, for the kid or the dog
2010-09-16 4:35 pm
Children are usually bathed daily. Children don't shed. Children don't trigger allergies. Children don't pee and poop on the floor. Children don't jump up on people with muddy or dusty paws and ruin nice clothes. Children don't stick their noses in strangers' crotches and then stare expectantly for a pat on the head. Children don't sniff around other people's grocery carts or tables and snatch food.

The fact of the matter is dogs are generally far dirtier than children. I don't think it's unfair or discrimination at all. Service dogs are allowed in these places, pets aren't. The reality is that most pet dogs are largely untrained. Allowing them into restaurants or grocery stores where there are tempting smells and sights is unsanitary, leads to annoying encounters for many people, and forces people who suffer allergies to avoid the place.

Apartments discriminate for damn good reason. Children don't tear holes in the dry wall. Children don't poop and pee all over the carpet. Children don't bark all day when you're gone. Children don't growl and snap at strangers coming up the stairs while you're on your way down. Children aren't on insurance companies' lists of dangerous animals that they refuse to cover or insure. Children don't get apartment buildings' insurance revoked completely if they bite a neighbor.

Your dog may not do these things. My dog may not do these things. Most dogs DO do these things.
2010-09-16 3:54 pm
Because they are dogs... maybe people want to shop or eat without having to smell/see dog! Who the hell brings their dog shopping or out to a restaurant anyways...
Discrimination? yeah, sure, take that up with the courts, see how far you get....

Perhaps like another user suggested, you move to France. Afterall i was just having a discussion yesterday with someone who was in France over the summer and had to put up with GOATS in the restaurant, and on top of the tables of course... pissing everywhere.... yum yum!!

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