我有以下數唔明點解計 請幫忙解答

2010-09-16 6:57 pm
1. Complete :
In 500 500 , the value of 5 in the hundred thousand place is ______ times the value of
5 in the hundred place .

2. What number is four hundred thousand more than 42 009 ? ______

3. Complete : 5700000 , 5850000 , 5900000

點解答案會是 : 6,050,000 , 6,100,000

回答 (2)

2010-09-16 7:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Complete :
In 500 500 , the value of 5 in the hundred thousand place is ______ times the value of 5 in the hundred place .

ans : 1000 times

2. What number is four hundred thousand more than 42 009 ? ______

ans : 442009

3. Complete : 5700000 , 5850000 , 5900000

點解答案會是 : 6,050,000 , 6,100,000

each number + 150000 equal to the next number,
5900000+ 150000 = 6050000

6050000+ 150000 = 6200000

2010-09-16 8:15 pm
In 500 500 , the value of 5 in the hundred thousand place is ______ times the value of 5 in the hundred place

the value of 5 in the hundred thousand is 500 000
the value of 5 in the hundred plasce is 500
so 500 x 1000 =500 000
=1000 times

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:31:33
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