email vs mail ??

2010-09-16 6:04 pm
i would like to ask what is the difference between email and mail ? thx very much !!

回答 (4)

2010-09-17 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
email - letter or message sent through internet.
mail - letter or post sent through post office or courier service
2010-09-16 6:42 pm
bernice ah:
an email(or e-mail) is meant an electronic mail delivered through a computer
whereas a mail is meant a letter.
參考: nil
2010-09-16 6:22 pm
email = electronic mail 電郵 a letter on the computer
mail = post, letters 用紙筆寫的郵件 a letter which is written with pens
2010-09-16 6:19 pm
email =electronic mail 電子信件 就像你用yahoo寄信一樣

mail=信件 as someone would write on something to others
參考: 我的英語很破 見諒下面那段字吧....

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