Is who i am just a result?

2010-09-15 10:45 am
I feel like the human body is an organic robot. A machine so complex that as a result, me - my personality i guess- formed. some would go "what does that mean? u'll always be you." but if my brain were to be damaged, i would be something completely different, the same way as if a robot were to have pieces removed/replaced. so yeah, can u answer mah question?

when i say brain damage i mean like if i were to somehow become brain dead, or no longer have emotion.

回答 (8)

2010-09-15 12:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You should read more on Hegel's work.

Human = being * essence * notion.

Your body is a notion of your essence. Your body behavior reveal your essence (or character or personality)

Conclusively, you are more than a robot.
2010-09-18 7:11 am
You might appreciate
"Man, Master of His Destiny," O. M. Aivanhov, and
"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, as they deal with the "I am" and questions of causation.

Reviews at
2010-09-15 8:54 pm
A robot only goes where it's programmer
programs it to go.
You on the other hand, have your free will
to become a programmer yourself, if you choose. <}:-})
2010-09-15 5:48 pm
you are who you are... if you feel like a robot then you need to start thinking more about your true self and spiritual essence
2010-09-15 8:56 pm
Your are correct. Everything we take ourselves to be is nothing more than a result, caused from certain influences out of our control. I bet these links will interest you:
2010-09-15 6:11 pm
I dont understand your machine thing, but

Your personality is formed by your childhood experiences and what you are exposed to. Personally, most of my influences come mostly from the many books I read and more recently awesome TV shows and music; my sense of morals (which certainly didn't come from my parents) came from my kids novels, my sense of humour came from TV and the internet (explaining why I am only capable of making funny references and sarcastic comments).

The person I roughly am was formed by the time I was a tween, as it is with most people. While you're a teenager, you begin to learn and fix your flaws, you form your opinions (using the morals you learned in childhood) and learn how to form relationships and communicate with people. This is just how i see it cause that's what happened with me.
I am very influence-able though, because my parents didn't impress that much knowledge on me, so i had to get it from other sources.

But I'm a genius now, aren't I?

To answer your brain thing; if your brain is damaged? How are you referring? Are you speaking about amnesia, where you forget your whole life? That case, totally. I cannot think of anything else, I've completely forgotten what your question was and my back hurts, so i think i'll answer something else where i can be of use.
參考: Good afternoon, sir!
2010-09-15 5:55 pm
I'm not sure what you;re asking here... but i'll try

I believe that the human body is a phenonomon that formed from the adaptation of cells over millions of yearts, to form much more complex organisms. there was a milliuon in one chance that we would form as we did, because we could have became anything imaginable really.

Yes, the human body is like a sort of biological machine. it needs energy to function, it fuctions mainly on electrical impulses, and it can break down very easily.

the huamn brain is considered to be the most amazing, most sophisticated computer in existance, because it is capable of things that mechanic computers can only dream of. it can calculate every movement of the body required for things such as speech, movements and such in a split second. it learns to breath, how to understand, how to keep the hreart beating, and all sorts on it's own.

who you are is such a random occurance. if you don't consider all of the above, the fact that the right sperm and egg combined containing the correct genetic code for you joined when there where billions of different chances alone is amazing. Your personality, andf your being is one gigantic phenonomon, just like everyopne else. so maske the most of the chance you got.

Of course, religion strongly disagrees. They believe that we where made by a higher being, and designed. I can't say which is right, but i can say whioch one i believem, and to me, we are phenonomon
2010-09-15 5:50 pm
Your Parents.

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