
2010-09-16 4:01 am
1 Make the following amendments to the document:
a Set A4 as the paper size.
b Set all the margins to 1.5cm.
c Set Arial 16 and type italic for the first paragraph (line) and the alignment is justified.
d For the first paragraph, set the line spacing is 1.5 lines.
e For the first paragraph, set the first character 'M' to drop cap.
f Set Times New Roman point 14 and type bold for the other parts of the document.

中文解釋姐係點啊, 唔該!!

回答 (1)

2010-09-16 11:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Make the following amendments to the document:a. Set A4 as the paper size.b. Set all the margins to 1.5cm.c. Set Arial 16 and type italic for the first paragraph (line) and the alignment is justified.d. For the first paragraph, set the line spacing is 1.5 lines.e. For the first paragraph, set the first character 'M' to drop cap.f. Set Times New Roman point 14 and type bold for the other parts of the document.1. 請將以下文件修改:a. 將文件設置A4紙張的大小。b. 將文件內文所有邊距設置為1.5厘米。c. 在內文第一段,將文件內容設置為Arial字體及將字體調較為斜體,並將字體大小調較為16,最後將內文同時對齊左右邊界。 d. 在文章第一段,設置行間距離為1.5行。e. 在內文第一段,將首字”M”放大。f. 在其他文件部分,設置字體為Times New Roman 及將字型大小調較為14,並將字體調較為粗體。
參考: 網上+自己意見

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