
2010-09-16 2:31 am
題目:would you like to live forever?

回答 (1)

2010-09-16 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Before I go any further I need to make it clear. This is no quick fix or fast-and-easy method to achieve an extended life. Also, this is not some airy fairy new age gimmick. It will be the hardest work you probably will ever do to achieve this quest. It would be as challenging and demanding as any university course. As well, it is as challenging as any professional athlete trying to be the best in the world. Training means diet changes and correct exercise needed among others things, to get there, as well as time and hard work. It takes effort to change your lifestyle and you need to keep doing that lifestyle all your life. When I started to question everything about life I realised no one knew why people died. What was worse no one knew why we lived. Even the medical profession doesn't know. But strangest of all, people accepted death as certain when they don't even understand why people live. I concluded that if I want to live longer I needed to understand what makes me what I am. I needed a map of the universe that showed the invisible pitfalls, crevices, mountains, waterfalls of life that could take my life. More importantly, I needed to know not only what to avoid, but what to do in life.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 18:50:36
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