How to write a blind letter?

2010-09-16 2:14 am
在寫信 正式/投訴或不知對方是何人時,我們會寫blind letter,
請問開頭是不是 to someone it may concern?

回答 (3)

2010-09-26 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The phrase "To Whom it May Concern" is a formal salutation used for opening a letter to an unknown recipient.

highly recommend u to take a look at the following template::

*(take note of this:: when typing, u hv to use upper-case as above)
2010-09-16 5:52 am
這情况下是寫 To whom this may concern :-
參考: common English
2010-09-16 2:19 am
To whom it may concern:

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