
2010-09-15 7:51 am
如題, 罵戰的英文是什麼?

回答 (5)

2010-09-15 5:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案

war of words

「展開罵戰」 started a war of words
Two columnists from two prominent newspapers have started a war of words on the sensitive issue of gay rights.

「引發罵戰」 prompted a war of words
The condemnation of one political candidate against another has prompted a war of words between the two.

罵戰 is different from a fight or an argument, because it is a "war" so it is usually not a single incident. It involves going back and forth, and not necessarily at the same time. Since this is not a physical war, so it is necessary to specify that it is only a war of words.

參考: my past learning
2010-09-15 8:53 am
Quarrel 解為罵戰好,比 Fight 更合適
2010-09-15 8:47 am

a fight

「展開罵戰」start a fight
She is the one that started a fight with her boy friend.

「引發罵戰」cause a fight
He has caused a fight with his girl firend over her lab partner.

當然以上的講法英語人是可以意會出個詞不是說打架那種fight.所以唔好(所謂)畫蛇添足,寫/讀成verbal fight,除非是新聞報導或你再轉述而要清楚表示是「言語吵架」。
2010-09-15 7:56 am
罵戰的英文 = Quarrel, (verbal) dispute, dissension, bitter argument

展開/引發罵戰 = to initiate/start a quarrel; XXX is the cause/reason of their verbal dispute.

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