請幫忙用日常口語形式 翻譯以下句子

2010-09-15 3:07 am
請幫忙用日常口語形式 翻譯以下句子, (是跟回覆外國朋友的)

關於 working holiday visa australia
我經常話 : 計劃緊,計劃緊, 直到現在都仲係話計劃緊,
計劃左咁耐, 我仲未去踏出第一步..
1年後,你由澳洲返來, 可能就係我出發去澳洲既日期呢..

回答 (4)

2010-09-17 8:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
我經常話 : 計劃緊,計劃緊, 直到現在都仲係話計劃緊,
計劃左咁耐, 我仲未去踏出第一步..
1年後,你由澳洲返來, 可能就係我出發去澳洲既日期呢..

I used to say it's under planning, until today, it's still not more
than planning.
Yet I never have my first pace stepped after such a long time.
I assume the day you returned from Australia would be the day
of my departure. (it's not necessary to repeat "to Australia")

2010-09-22 14:01:50 補充:
001 - your answer & your supporters...........
Are you joking???????
參考: Self
2010-09-15 5:51 am
On the working holiday visa australia I often remark: tight, tight project schedule until now Chung-line plans tightly, plan something left to easy-to-no, I take the first step. One year later, you will return to Australia, may I leave for Australia which date do. ..
參考: me
2010-09-15 3:53 am
I 've been talking about planning to get an Australian working/hiliday visa
for so long, but still havn't done anything about that just yet. Perhaps
I'll be on my way to the airport for Australia by the time you come back here next year !
參考: nil
2010-09-15 3:17 am
I often words: scheme tight, compact scheme, until today it plans Chung Department of tight
Left Link resistant scheme, to take the first step .. I Zhongwei
1 year, you come back from Australia, may proceed to the Australian Department of both the date I do ..

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