What does "in care of " mean?

2010-09-15 12:17 am
I would like a package to send to my address. So I need to fill out the form. But before I fill out my address information, it asks "in care of". What does "in care of" mean?
If I am the receiver, should I ignore that category?



回答 (3)

2010-09-15 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you're the receipant and the mailing address is directly to you, then no need to fill-in "in care of" address.

But sometime, even if the address is the same, if you may not be the direct person to recive the package (e.g. if the company address is the head office for receiving control and you're in a branch office) then c/o may be the designated head office person - just a person name for this category.
2010-09-15 3:28 am
The term ' in care of ' is meant ' to be redirected by'. As you are the sendee of the parcel or pakage yourself, the package doesn't have to go through anybody else before it reaches you, you should put N/A (an internationally
recognized abbreviation for ' not applicable' ) in the blank, and that's it.
參考: common knowledge
2010-09-15 12:26 am



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